  • 學位論文


The Study of Integrating Multiculturalism into CSL Course-book Design for Vietnamese Immigrants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 宋如瑜


摘要 根據內政部移民署資料統計,截至2011年10月底外籍新住民在台人數已達45萬6,814人(包含大陸、港澳地區新住民)。東南亞及其他國家(如:日本、韓國……等)新住民的人數為15萬265人,其中越南籍新住民人數最多,有8萬5,990人,占57.22%,因此針對越籍新住民且攸關生活的華語教育成為迫切需求。 研究者曾於2011年04月09日至同年05月30日在桃園新移民中心以新住民的身分參與新住民課程,發現參與中文教育的越籍新住民往往超過他國,應可單獨組成一班來教學。目前各個新移民中心開辦的大多為跨國混合班,忽略了新住民有不同的文化背景,而教授新住民華文課程者大多是國小教師,因其缺乏對新住民原生母國文化之了解,使得新住民的華語教育無法達到預期之成效。有關新住民的華語教材,曾有眾多學者專家進行研究,但只探討教材的優缺點,且研究結果大同小異,皆反映其教材缺乏了多元文化的元素和系統性、進階性。而目前從多元文化角度探討新住民教材的研究,仍略嫌不足。 本研究兼用訪談與問卷調查方式,藉由訪談探討越籍新住民在台生活之實際困難,再以問卷調查方式了解她們實際所需,最後,從多元文化與成人教育的角度針對越籍新住民的需要進行多元文化教材的規劃。 調查結果發現,越籍新住民需要的是與生活息息相關的華語教學主題,包括:交通、生活文化、工作、醫療資訊、法律常識、節慶、飲食文化、保險、教育、婦女懷孕、家務事、銀行郵局事務、生活機能、環保以及服裝等15個。研究者將針對此15個主題來規劃教材,分為「文化篇」與「知識篇」二冊。「文化篇」包括7個主題,分別為:生活文化、飲食文化、節慶、環保、服裝、教育、家務事;「知識篇」包括8個主題,分別為:銀行郵局事務、法律常識、工作、保險、醫療資訊、婦女懷孕、交通、生活機能。由於研究者時間有限,此次就以「交通」為多元文化課程設計範例,最後進行教學結果檢討,結果顯示課程設計難度適中,深入淺出,學習者獲益良多。研究者所規劃的多元文化教材未來可做為從事華語文教學者及研究者之參考。


Abstract According to the statistic of October 2011 Taiwan National Immigration Agency reports, it indicates that the new foreign residents in Taiwan has reached to 456,814 (this includes Mainland China , Macau and Hong Kong foreign residents). Apart from that, South East Asian foreign residents (Japan, Korean and etc foreign residents) has reached up to15,265 people. Among them, the number of Vietnamese foreign residents has reached to thehighest a population of 85,990 people. The population of Vietnamese foreign is 57.22% of all foreign residents in Taiwan. Therefore, the demand of Chinese language education in culture and living has become vital for this group of foreign residents. Researchers have used foreign resident identity to attend Chinese education classes held in the Taoyuan National Immigration Agency building to do an observation. During the observation, the researcher discovered the number of Vietnamese foreign students in each class is larger than other foreign students. In this case, Vietnamese foreign students should have an independent class to learn Chinese Language. Currently, The National Immigration Agency has offerred a large amount of multinational Chinese classes. These classes ignored the individual needs of the foreign students cultural background. Moreover, most of the teachers are primary school teachers. The lack of knowledge of foreign immigrants has negatively affected the results of these students Chinese education. A lot of researchers have pointed out the lack of Chinese teaching materials. Most of the research results mentioned the shortcomings of the multicultural teaching system and lack of advanced teaching in the teaching materials. This researcher conducted interviews and questionnaire to find out the real difficulties they faced in life. For further information of their needs, the researcher also conducted a survey. Lastly, from the view of multicultural and adult education the researcher organized a multicultural teaching material plan. The result of the surveys showed that Vietnamese foreign residents need the following topics covered in Chinese education: transportation, life culture, work, medical information, law, festivals, food and beverages, insurance, education, pregnancy, housekeeping, banking, post office regulations, life functions, environmental protection, service protections and etc, 15 items in total. The researcher will according to these 15 topics organize teaching material. These topics were separated into two main subjects, culture and knowledge. The former subject includes 7 topics: living culture, food and beverages culture, festivals, environmental protection, clothes, education and housekeeping. The latter includes 8 topics: banking and postal regulations, law, work, insurance, medical information, pregnancy, transportation and life functions. Due tothe limited time, this research took the multicultural education as an exampe. The topic is about “transportation”, the next step is the teaching result review. The results show that this curriculum has moderate difficulties and the students received many information trough the teaching materials. The researcher will conduct Chinese teaching according to the multicultural teaching material in the future.


張芳全(2009)。台灣新移民女性的教育需求。Taiwan Education Review 師情話益,37-43。


