  • 學位論文


A Corpus-based Study on the Sequence of Zǐ and Ér in Chinese

指導教授 : 鄭縈


「子」和「兒」在對外華語教學的教材中,編排有所不同,在語義的教學上未涵蓋「子」和「兒」的所有語義,本研究使用語料庫語言學的研究方法,針對「子」和「兒」做語音、構詞和語義三個面向的整理,並參照對外華語教學的相關理論,進行排序,以此建立「子」和「兒」的教學架構。 「子」和「兒」的語音可辨識出語義的虛實,但因語言的演變,產生了一些特例;構詞上,「子」和「兒」皆有「子/兒+Y」和「X+子/兒」的結構,構詞成分的詞性,「兒」較「子」複雜;語義上,「子」和「兒」義頻排序和所預測的結果略有不同,依照難易度分類,虛靈語義較實質語義困難,應屬後教,但在義頻上有虛靈語義高於實質語義的現象,故本研究考察<華語八千詞表>和教材中,「子」和「兒」義頻排序和母語者語料之間的差異,比較過後發現,母語者語料有些義頻與<華語八千詞表>和教材的排序差異較大,故我們從三者的各項分析數據和資料中,調整出合適的語義教學排序。另外我們還考察學習者語料庫中,「子」和「兒」的使用狀況,發現學習者在「子」的書寫上,有字形的偏誤。最後依照以上分析的結果,提出「子」和「兒」的教學建議。


In different teaching materials of Teaching Chinese as a second Language,“Zǐ”(子) and “Ér”(兒) are designed differently. Not all meanings of Zǐ and Ér are included and taught in these materials. We take Corpus linguistic approach to analyze phonology, morphology and semantics of Zǐ and Ér. Then we follow theories and applications of Teaching Chinese as a second Language to build a pedagogical sequence which ranked meanings by frequency. Finally we integrated the sequence with results of phonology and morphology to create an instruction of Zǐ and Ér. Phonologically, Zǐ and Ér can be recognized as content words and function words by their pronunciations, but there are exceptions caused by the evolution of phonology. Morphologically, both Zǐ and Ér have “Y+Zǐ / Ér” and “Zǐ / Ér + X” structures. The parts of speech of Ér’s morphological components are more complicated than Zǐ’s. Semantically, the sequence of Zǐ and Ér are different from our expectations. According to former researches, function words are more difficult than content words and should be taught after content words. But the result showed the semantic frequency of function words are higher than that of content words. We analyzed semantic frequency of The 8000 Vocabulary List created by “Steering Committee for the Test of Proficiency-Huayu”, and 3 most commonly used Chinese teaching materials in Taiwan. Compared with the result of native speaker corpora, we found there are some significant differences. Therefore, we adjusted the sequence based on results of the three parameters above and created an advisable semantic instruction. Additionally, we observed Chinese learner corpora for the usage of Zǐ and Ér and found orthographic errors of Zǐ. Finally, following the results of the above analyses, we gave pedagogical suggestions of Zǐ and Ér.


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