  • 學位論文

國中多元文化音樂課程設計與實施之研究 -以新移民越南民謠教學為例

The Study of the Curriculum Design and Implementation for the Multiple Music in Junior High School-Taking the Teaching of Immigrant Folk Music from Vietnam for Example

指導教授 : 羅希哲


本研究旨在探討國中多元文化音樂課程設計與實施之研究。本研究採準實驗設計,以屏東縣高樹鄉某國中八年級學生為研究樣本,該年級共有兩班,剛好各分配為控制組與實驗組,以研究者自編之「音樂課程學習態度量表」、「多元文化量表」為研究工具,根據兩組(控制組、實驗組)實驗教學前、後之問卷調查所得之資料,利用「獨立樣本單因子共變數分析」之方法進行檢定,待分析方法之結果出來後,另利用「獨立樣本t檢定」再與交互檢驗前、後測之問卷結果,重複驗證本研究之假設條件是否成立,以瞭解國中多元文化音樂課程之學生的學習態度、多元文化等因素之交互關係。 另再針對實驗組以研究者自編之「越南民謠量表」為研究工具,根據實驗教學前、後之問卷調查所得之資料,利用「相依樣本t檢定」之方法進行檢驗,以驗證本研究之假設條件是否成立,其研究結果如下: 一、 於音樂課程中若融入「越南民謠與其文化介紹」之內容,並調整其教學模式與課程內容、活動設計,可以提高音樂課程學習動機與態度。 二、 於音樂課程中若融入「越南民謠與其文化介紹」之內容,並調整其教學模式與課程內容、活動設計,可以改善國際觀與多元文化之接納程度。 三、 於音樂課程中若融入「越南民謠與其文化介紹」之內容,並調整其教學模式與課程內容、活動設計,可以加強對越南社會與語言認同程度。 關鍵字:多元文化課程設計、新移民、越南民謠教學、越南文化介紹、國中音樂課程


This research is discussed the design and implement of multiculturalism through music curriculum in junior high school. Taking the eighth-grade students in a GaoTai junior high school in Gaoshu Township, Pingtung County as research sample, these two classes of eighth-grade are separated to control/ experiment groups. This research conducts a research method of pre-experiment and a research tool of “learning attitude of music curriculum scale” and “multiculturalism scale” made by the researcher. Through questionnaire investigation result carries out a pre-test of learning effectiveness before teaching experiment, and then conducts an after-test after the end of the experiment to know the learning status during the process. The researcher conducts analysis of single factor analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and independent-sample T-test to compare questionnaire investigation results interactively in order to proof the assumes repeatedly. Another research of experiment group conducts a research tool of “Vietnam folk songs scale” made by the researcher. Analyzing questionnaire investigation result carries out a pre-test and after-test of experimental teaching. The researcher conducts analysis of Paired-Samples T-test to exam the assumes. The research results are as follow: 1. Integrating Vietnam’s folk and culture into music program, adjust educational mode, course content and activity arrangement can raise learning motivation and attitude. 2. Integrating Vietnam’s folk and culture into music program, adjust educational mode, course content and activity arrangement can improve acceptance of internationalism and foreign’s culture. 3. Integrating Vietnam’s folk and culture into music program, adjust educational mode, course content and activity arrangement can enhance the realization of Vietnam’s society and language. Keywords:course design of multiculturalism、new immigrant、Vietnam’s folk education、Vietnam’s culture Introduction、junior high school music program


楊瑩(2011)。以學生學習成效為評鑑重點的歐盟高等教育品質保證政策,評鑑雙月刊,30,27-34 。
