  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Crisis Handling on the Scandal of Juventus Football Club S.p.A.

指導教授 : 李建興


祖文特斯足球俱樂部2006年義大利甲級聯賽危機處理之個案探討 中華民國98年7月1日 研究生:吳亞函 指導老師:李建興 摘 要 世界上運動人口最多的運動為足球,據FIFA2006年官方統計,計有 2千6百萬人 從事足球活動。 曾4度於世界盃奪冠的義大利,在2006年其職業足球甲級聯賽4支球隊遭指控涉嫌操控比賽之裁判指派。本研究, 以Fink之危機處理4階段理論分析組文特斯隊(Juventus Football S.p.A)。本文主要探討內容如下:一、義大利足球甲級聯賽醜聞案之經過。二、義大利足球甲級聯賽組文特斯之危機處理方式。 危機爆發後,組文特斯採取幾項措施:更換並遴選新任董事及總裁,更新公司道德準則,採取法律行動及上訴,致力維持與合作夥伴與贊助商良好關係,改變組織架構與營運策略等。此次危機為祖文特斯所帶來之後遺症計有球隊降級、重要球員轉隊、收益減少與球迷減少等。降級後一年,組文特斯重回甲級聯賽。 關鍵詞:義大利足球,祖文特斯,危機處理


A Case Study of Crisis Handling on the Scandal of Juventus Football Club S.p.A. Abstract Football is the most popular sport in the world. There are 24,thousand participants in the world. There was a scandal among Serie A in Italian football championship: 4 clubs were alleged to maneuver referee designating, to gain interests for themselves, including the famous one: Juventus Football Club S.p.A. The questions of research are as follows :(1) What was the process of the Italian football scandal in 2006; and (2) What was the strategy of Juventus to address crisis handling? The method of Content Analysis will be used in this study to analyze the present docents, such as news, official announcements, and other books related to football. After the outbreak of the crisis, Juventus had taken measures to cope with this crisis: Resignation of BoD, Adaption of Code of Ethics, Lodging appeal, Renegotiation of contracts, Focus on young players and Transfer of expensive players. After the relegation to Serie B, Juventus have been able to deal with the crisis and have had their way back to the Serie A after 1 year. Keywords: Italian football, Juventus, Crisis handling


Italian football Juventus Crisis handling


Chinese references
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