  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳舜文


本研究旨在了解臺北市國中音樂教師對資訊科技與視聽媒體的知能與現況、音樂教師對於資訊科技融入教學的方式及融入教學時所遭遇的困難,並探討運用現況與教師知能的關係及不同背景變項的教師在運用現況上的差異。為達研究目的,研究者先透過文獻探討以建立理論基礎,再採自編的「音樂教師對於資訊科技與視聽媒體之認知與運用之現況調查問卷」為研究工具。並以臺北市 201位國中音樂教師為研究對象進行問卷調查、研究。結果係依88所學校162位有效樣本的資料進行統計分析,並進行討論。 資料處理方面,以SPSS for Windows 12.0進行t考驗、單因子變異數分析等處理。為彌補問卷調查研究的不足,兼採「訪談法」訪談5位臺北市國中音樂教師以作為資料分析的佐證。 本研究的結論如下: 一、臺北市國中音樂教師運用資訊科技與視聽媒體的知能普遍未達理想的水平,「音樂資訊科技」素養中,「硬體操作」的素養高於「軟體使用」的素養,此現象影響資訊科技融入教學的成效,表示教師的能力仍有待加強。 二、不同背景的臺北市國中音樂教師的在運用資訊科技與視聽媒體的知能有顯著差異;普遍來看仍以運用硬體的部分能力較佳,運用軟體的能力及運用至教學上的能力普遍未達理想,均呈現中低度的狀況。 三、台北市的學校設備及學生素質已達一定的水平,但音樂教師卻未廣泛應用資訊科技與視聽媒體教學以提升學生對於音樂科的學習興趣與成效;也未見在課程內容上運用資訊科技與視聽媒體有較突破性的作法──融入教學的狀況仍以教學前的單向操作的方式為主;教學中使用資訊科技與視聽媒體與學生互動的比例很低;教學後對於評量、紀錄、省思與分享也呈現使用比率偏低的狀況。 四、台北市國中音樂教師實施資訊科技與視聽媒體融入教學仍面臨困難。教師實施資訊科技融入教學所遭遇到的困難以「時間方面」的困難居多,包含「編製教材需要花龐大的時間準備或搜集」、「教學、級務或行政兼職過於繁忙」、「上課教學時間加長」等;其次為「缺乏同儕合作」、「資訊素養專業不足」、「資訊技能研習常因課務繁忙無法參加」、「沒有專屬教室及學校設備不敷使用」、「學校缺乏相關教學軟體」「缺乏可詢問的對象」「心理因素與個人意願」等。 五、台北市國中音樂教師其運用資訊科技與視聽媒體的知能與融入教學的狀況呈現正相關、但整體比例呈現中度相關的現象。亦即「整體音樂資訊科技素養」與「音樂資訊科技素養結合音樂課堂教學之實施概況」達顯著相關 最後依據上述研究結論,提出建議以供教育行政機關、國中音樂教師及未 來研究參考。 關鍵字:資訊科技、視聽媒體、資訊科技融入教學


The purpose of this research is to understand the current understanding and application of Information Technology and multimedia among junior high school music teachers in Taipei (as "the teachers" for the rest of the article), the difficulties the teachers encounter when trying to integrate Information Technology into their ways of teaching and the curriculum, and to explore the relationships between the usage of Information Technology and the technical proficiency of the teachers and the differences among teachers with various backgrounds. In order to reach the goal of the study, the researcher first went through relevant documents and records to establish the basis for assumption, and then create the "Survey for the current proficiency and usage of Information Technology and multimedia among music teachers" as the research tool. The target of the survey is the 201 junior high school music teachers in Taipei, of which 162 valid samples from 88 schools were gathered, statistically analyzed and studied. The analysis methods include t-test and One Way ANOVA using SPSS for Windows 12.0. To make up the insufficiency of survey, interviews were conducted on 5 teachers to get corresponding proof on the results of data analysis. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. The teachers' knowledge and application of Information Technology and multimedia generally have not reached the ideal level. In the criterion of "Information Technology of music education", the teachers scored higher in "Hardware operation" than "Software utilization". Such phenomenon could have a negative impact on music education using Information Technology, indicating a need for improvement for the teachers' ability to adapt. 2. The teachers' different backgrounds played a significant role in utilizing Information Technology and multimedia. Generally, their ability to use hardware is still better than software. The skill of using software as well as applying them in class usually ranges from median to low level. 3. Though school facilities and students' musical knowledge have reached certain level, the teachers generally are not used to utilizing Information Technology and multimedia in order to motivate students' interest in music, as well as increase the effectiveness in music education. The research did not find a more inspiring teaching method using Information Technology and multimedia - the main stream of teaching is still one way communication, the usage of Information Technology and multimedia to interact with students are still low, the assessment, documentation, review and sharing among teachers are still not common. 4. The teachers face difficulties when implementing more Information Technology and multimedia into curriculum. The obstacles mentioned are often related to "lack of time", including: "enormous time required to put together teaching materials", "insufficient time for course preparation when responsible for both teaching and administration duties", "longer class 3 hours", and "lack of collaboration among peers", "insufficient technical knowledge", "heavy work load that keeps him/her from attending technical training classes", "lack of training software applications at school", "lack of advisor", "personal reasons and lack of motivation". 5. There is a positive correlation between the technical proficiency of the teachers and their ability to integrate Information Technology and multimedia into teaching. Overall, the degree of positive correlation is median. The "overall technical proficiency" and "the overview of the implementation of technical proficiency in music teaching" showed a significant positive correlation. Conclusions are made at the end according to the results above as references for education bureaus, junior high school music teachers and future studies.


余 鑑<加強科技教育以厚實科技發展的基礎>,《生活科技月刊》。(1996)


