  • 學位論文

視界有限,前景有光 一位重度視障準諮商心理師與僱主們互動經驗之敘說研究

指導教授 : 李佩怡 博士


這是由重度視障準諮商心理師的我,和我在志願服務和實習的五位僱主們共同交織的敘說研究,盼能了解雙方表面互動經驗和背後隱而未說的內在心理運作,擴展彼此雙贏的可能,結論如下: 一、僱主對於重度視障者在機構中擔任諮商工作的評估與考量因素為: 主管的態度與意願、是否具有現實感與彈性、與人相處的關係、面談時的人身安全、行動安全和當事人能否接受等六項指標。 二、僱主對於我擔任諮商工作的晤談經驗與聘用經驗之回溯與內在評估考量過程為: 主動出擊、認清角色和場合、現實的問題解決能力、獨立運作、接納限制且開放表達、容納不同聲音、人際相處的拿捏、敏感度與同理的反應、出乎意料之外和背後家人的支持等十個項目。 三、僱主認為重度視障擔任諮商心理師時,邁向諮商職涯的可能障礙與突破為: 加強自身的裝備、有關專業發展、安全上之顧慮與站在僱主立場考量等四個方向。 四、我走進諮商領域的心路歷程: 因在國中出色表現而趾高氣昂的我,突然的腦瘤完全顛覆了原本的世界,我不停的摸索、探求和重建自己生命的意義,發現唯有敞開傷口,生命的可能性才會發生,藉由專業自信的建立,和對視力限制的轉化,現在的我,學習著順勢而為,隨遇而安。


The narrative dissertation is completed by the five employers who I volunteered to work for and interned with, and me: the paracounselor with severe visual impairment. I hope to understand the interaction between employers and blind employees, but also the externally interactive experiences and the inner emotions which have not been shown. Moreover, it is my expectation to increase possibilities of the reciprocity between employers and people with visual impairment. The conclusions are as follow: 1. The six factors influence on employers’consideration when he ore she would hire a counselor with severe visual impairment are: (1)executives’attitude and inclination, (2)whether employees have the sense of reality and flexibility, (3)the interpersonal relationship, (4)the security of face-to-face counseling, (5)the security of action, and (6)the acceptance of clients. 2. When the employers considered my working and interview experiences, the ten factors of their inner evaluation are: (1)high motivation, (2)capability of distinguishing different situation and roles, (3)actual capability of problem solving, (4)work independently, (5)embrace limitation and express openly, (6)including different voices, (7)how to deal with human relation, (8)sensibility and responses to empathy, (9)the things beyond my expectation, and (10)family support. 3. The employers’sights about what barriers a counselor with sever visual impairment could meet and how to break through them: (1)advance self-capability, (2)relative professional development, (3)the consideration of security, and (4)putting ourselves in the employers’ shoes. 4. My internal struggle and growth of entering into the counseling fields: Originally, I was even a proud peacock owing to the outstanding achievements in the junior high school. However, the brain tumor suddenly disturbed my smooth life. I keep seeking and re-building the meaning of my life. I realize that there will be more possibilities in the life with unwrapping the wound. With establishing professional confidence gradually and transforming the effect of the visual limitation to counseling, now I learn to take things as they are and enhance myself to fly again.




