  • 學位論文


Research on the development of Lion Dance in Yilan County

指導教授 : 蔡宗信教授


宜蘭縣舞獅發展之研究 中華民國九十九年一月 研究生:簡維國 指導教授:蔡宗信 摘要   本研究旨在探討宜蘭縣舞獅發展的淵源,並透過專訪去了解宜蘭縣社會層面與學校層面舞獅團隊的歷史脈絡、發展現況,分析二者在推展中所遇到的瓶頸,再提出未來的推展策略。研究結果發現:臺灣的舞獅文化源自於中國,且至今已有二千多年的歷史,歷經各朝代的演替而逐漸與民俗節慶結合,並在全國各地開枝散葉。 而宜蘭縣的舞獅發展,自1890年雲林西螺的老鷹師到礁溪教授武術開始,開啟了縣內百年來的舞獅發展史。而第一間臺灣獅館的正式成立,比醒獅早了近五十年。早期也因地理位置而分成了溪南與溪北兩種不同類型的獅團,溪南的「國術館型獅團」以羅東為主,溪北的「庄頭型獅團」則以礁溪為主。在學校層面的舞獅團隊中,則以三星鄉的憲明國小最早成立,當時是以推廣臺灣獅為主,所以在宜蘭縣境內,不論是社會層面與學校層面的舞獅團隊,皆以臺灣獅的發展較早,歷史較為悠久。 而根據問卷資料顯示,不論是學校規模的大小、舞獅團隊成立的時間、學生的學習年齡層與性別等等,對舞獅活動的推展與對外比賽成績並無明顯的影響。而內聘教練以兼職行政工作的組長及主任居多,但取得舞獅教練與裁判證照者甚少。而每週訓練節數越長的團隊,其在展演活動的次數與對外比賽成績上,有顯著的增多與出色。有88%的學校是藉由宜蘭縣政府傳統藝術教育的補助款來支應舞獅團隊的相關費用,各校展演活動以配合社區的民俗節慶為主。且不論是校內教師或學生家長都有近八成贊成學生參加舞獅團隊,學生對參加舞獅團隊的整體評價又高,所以在宜蘭縣內而言,舞獅活動是可以在國小階段廣為推展的一項傳統技藝。


宜蘭縣 舞獅 臺灣獅 醒獅 廣東獅


Research on the development of Lion Dance in Yilan County Jan 2010 Postgraduate:Chien,Wei-Guo Adviser:Tsai,Tsung-Hsin Abstract The research aims to investigate the development of the Lion Dance in Yilan County. A particular interview was made and the bottleneck was analyzed which the society and school would have in the process of development so that the history and development status for the time being in Yilan County between the society and the school can be known and understood. And finally suggestions were made for further promotion. The research reveals that the culture of Lion Dance of Taiwan originates from China. It lasts at least two thousand years so far. With the replacement of many dynasties, it gradually integrates with the custom and festivals and spreads out all over the countries. Since the year of 1890, the development of Lion Dance in Yilan County began with the teaching of the art of personal attack and defense in Jiaushi by Teacher Eagle from Yunlin-Shiluo. The developmental history of Loin Dance is lasting for the past hundred of years. The first Taiwanese Lion Dance Exhibit was established fifty years earlier than Cantonese Lion Dance. In earlier times, lion teams were divided into two varied types which are the southern part of Yilan County and the northern part of Yilan County. Lion team of the type of Wushu is in the southern part of Yilan County which is mainly located in Luodung Town. Lion team of the type of countryside is in the northern part of Yilan County which is basically in Jiaushi Village. The Lion Dance team of the first school type is in Sian Ming Elementary School of San Sing Village. At that time, Taiwanese Lion was mainly promoted. Therefore, the development of Taiwanese Lion is earlier developed and has a long history. According to the questionnaires, it indicates that the promotion of Lion Dance activities and contest results outside schools are not affected by the size of schools, the time the Lion Dance team was grouped, and the ages or sex of students. Most deans or group leaders atschools are assigned to be the coach. However, there are few Lion Dance coaches or people getting a formal or professional license at schools. The more training hours per week at schools, the more fantastic grades and performance outside schools. Eighty-eight percent of schools have support and are funded by traditional art education of Yilan County government while performance activities at schools are along with festivals in communities. Around eighty percent of teachers or parents support their students to join the Lion Dance team at school. Students are also highly praised joining the Lion Dance team. Therefore, Loin Dance activities can be promoted highly as well as widely as a traditional skill at the primary level.





