  • 學位論文


Planning and Developing International Exhibitions: A Case Study of the National Museum of History

指導教授 : 黃光男


西元1955年成立的國立歷史博物館建館歷史超過半個世紀,雖然佔有位居博愛特區及植物園優美景致的雙重便利地理優勢,館內收藏也頗有自我特色,但是建築和展示設施不夠新穎,內部展示及公共空間不夠寬敞,在服務品質上無法與新成立的博物館相匹敵。在新館不斷增加的1980到1990年代,若沒有新的經營策略很快就會被大眾所遺忘。 1997年史博館率先從法國引進「黃金印象-奧賽美術館收藏特展」,結果觀眾熱潮不斷,使得該館在一時之間成為媒體和博物館學界議論的焦點。雖然一般認為從國外引進超級特展可以讓老博物館重拾生機。因而他館競相仿效,史博館也在日後繼續引進其他特展,但其中卻不乏叫好不叫座的特展。例如於2003年由歐洲四大博物館提供的「前進非洲」及2007年初來自尼斯現代與當代美術館的「妮基的異想世界」,可見超級國際特展並非博物館吸引觀眾的萬靈丹。經過十年歲月對國內博物館舉辦國際展的洗滌與淬煉, 2008年史博館舉辦一次眾所期待的來自法國奧塞美術館的「驚艷米勒-田園之美畫展」,這個全世界僅有一站國際特展,吸引台灣觀眾大排長龍,甚至來自亞洲香港、日本等地的觀眾,再次引起博物館界熱烈討論,如何能在展覽品質之外,有關展場設計、展覽動線、燈光照明及觀眾入場人數掌控等相關議題,究竟博物館該如何籌辦一個既能叫好又能叫座的國際特展是許多博物館人關心的議題。 以下簡述本研究之目的、結論與建議: 一、 本研究的目的: (一)歸納分析台灣博物館從五○年代隨著政治、經濟與社會等所賦予角色對於博物館舉辦國際展覽的方向及使命之影響。 (二)分析史博館歷任館長在不同時代背景與展覽策略中所主導展覽對博物館發展的影響。 (三)探討博物館國際展覽的規劃及其對觀眾博物館學習的意義。 (四)比較不同國際展覽主題的策劃與觀眾互動關係,如何規劃叫好又叫座的展覽。 二、 結論與建議: (一)探討史博館近年的展覽策略、營運方向與決策機制。 (二)針對歷年特展個別案例進行分析與比較,重點包括籌展背景、作業流程與說明、預期目標與成果、觀眾對展覽反應和意見調查分析、問題發現與討論等議題。 (三)經過這些年的國際展經驗史博館在未來如何突破過去的模式,提出更永續發展國際展的經營策略 吸引觀眾支持並成為史博館在台灣博物館界獨樹一格的特色。




It has been more than fifty years since the National Museum of History was established in 1955. It features geographical advantages – located in the Bo-Ai district where Taiwan’s capital is, and surrounded by the beautiful Taipei Botanic Garden. Moreover, it is well-known for its distinctive collection. However, its building and display equipment seems old-fashioned and its space for exhibition and for the public is not commodious either. Due to these drawbacks, the service which the National Museum of National provides as a consequence cannot compare with that offered by other new museums. In the 1980s and the 1990s, new museums were spring up all over Taiwan. Facing this trend, the National Museum of History will be forsaken by the public if it cannot conceive new management policies regarding these new changes in the museum field in Taiwan. As far as holding international exhibitions in Taiwan, the National Museum of History is the pioneer. It held the exhibition L’Âge d’or de l’impressionnisme - Chefs-d’oeuvre du Musée d’Orsay (The Golden Age of Impressionism – Masterpieces of Musée d’Orsay) in 1997, featuring a large number of precious paintings from the Musée d’Orsay. This exhibition was successful, drawing a large audience and thus thrust the National Museum of History into the limelight in the mass media, in the museum field and in the related discussions. In the wake of this successful exhibition, other old museums in Taiwan eagerly modeled themselves after the National Museum of History, managing to hold superb and special international exhibitions in order to rejuvenate their old-fashioned images. The National Museum of History has also continuously held this kind of special exhibitions thereafter. Several of these special exhibitions were not popular, although they were highly acclaimed, such as the 2003 exhibition Visions d’Afrique (Visions of Africa), displaying African artifacts from the Musée Dapper, the Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale (Tervuren), the Museum of Ethnology (Vienna) and Private Collection; and the 2007 exhibition The World and Fantasy of Niki de Saint Phalle, introducing Niki’s works from the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nice. Visions d’Afrique and The World and Fantasy of Niki de Saint Phalle demonstrated the fact that a superb and special international exhibition was not always a cure-all for boosting museum visitors. Nevertheless, the National Museum of History, based on the rich experience and the tough training obtained in the past decade, has become the leading expert for holding international exhibitions in Taiwan, and it successfully held the long-awaited exhibition Millet and His Time: Masterpieces from the Musée d’Orsay in 2008. Taipei was the only site for this highly acclaimed international exhibition. It drew a large audience from not only Taiwan, but also Hong Kong and Japan. Moreover, it heated the discussions in the museum field regarding such issues as exhibition quality, display design, visiting path, exhibition lighting and audience control, etc. The successful exhibitions of the National Museum of History led museum staff and experts to think about the issue as to how to organize an international exhibition combining huge commercial success and high artistic quality. Below will briefly state the purpose, the conclusion and the suggestions of this thesis: I. Research Purpose: 1. This thesis will summarize and analyze the changing pattern of the role of a museum in Taiwan in the past fifty years, how this reflected the changes in Taiwan’s politics, economics and societies in the past few fifty years and how this influenced the directions and the aims of international exhibitions in the National Museum of History. 2. This thesis will analyze the effects exerted by each director with different management policies on the development of the National Museum of History in different times. 3. This thesis will investigate the planning and the organizing of international exhibitions at the National Museum of History and the educational significance of these exhibitions to museum visitors. 4. This thesis will compare the organizing and the strategizing between different international exhibitions, and will also examine the interaction between these exhibitions and their audience, through which this thesis is going to tell readers how to organize an exhibition combining huge commercial success and high artistic quality both. II. Conclusion and Suggestions: 1. This thesis aims to investigate the exhibition strategies, the managing directions and the decision-making mechanism of the National Museum of History in the recent years. 2. This thesis will conduct a comparative analysis of the special exhibitions held by the National Museum of History over the years, providing a detailed report on their organizing contexts, procedures, aims, results, audience feedback, opinions, and related problems and issues arisen in these exhibitions. 3. How can the National Museum of History learn from the rich experience accumulated in the past international exhibitions; how can it further break through those conventional modes of exhibition and conceive a set of management policies which will help the National Museum of History to develop continuously, to boost visitors, and to become more distinctive in the museum field in Taiwan.






