  • 學位論文


The Effects of Experiential Gaming Strategies and Individual Differences on Novices’ Learning to Program

指導教授 : 陳明溥


本研究旨在探討體驗式遊戲策略與個別差異(性別、學習風格、資訊處理與遊戲偏好)對初學者學習程式語言之學習動機、流暢經驗感受與學習成效之影響並探討學習者對數位遊戲學習之感受。研究之對象為國中七年級學習者,共410人參與實驗教學。體驗式遊戲學習實驗教學活動設計以Kolb體驗式學習循環為理論架構,共分成遊戲情境、遊戲遊玩與專題實作,目的在幫助學習者藉由體驗式學習活動歷程中增強學習動機及學習成效。實驗處理自變項依照遊戲策略之差異,分成挑戰及配對挑戰遊戲策略,目的在探討概念澄清之配對遊戲是否可以幫助抽象概念之理解。本研究結果依學習動機、流暢經驗感受與學習成效三個構面,綜合歸納如下: (1)體驗式遊戲策略有助學習者之正向學習動機及流暢經驗感受; (2)學習者在數位遊戲學習環境中感受高學習動機及高流暢經驗,並未提高學習成效; (3)高資訊處理學習者,在體驗式遊戲學習活動中,對程式語言學習動機、流暢前經驗及學習理解成效顯著優於低資訊處理學習者; (4)同化型及聚斂型學習風格學習者對程式語言學習之學習理解成效顯著高於發散型及調適型學習風格學習者、調適型學習風格學習者對程式語言學習之學習理解成效顯著高於發散型學習風格學習者; (5)遊戲策略與學習者偏好之遊戲是否配對,並未顯著影響學習者在體驗式遊戲學習活動之學習動機、流暢經驗感受及學習成效。


This study investigated the effects of type of game strategy and individual difference on novices’ learning to program from an experiential gaming activity. Four hundred and ten seven-graders participated in the experimental activity. The experiential gaming activity was implemented in 3 learning stages, including game scenario, game-play and project production. The results revealed that a) experiential gaming strategies have positive impacts on learner’s motivation and flow experience, b) high motivation and high flow experience did not enhance learning performance, c) the high information processing learners revealed higher motivation, flow antecedent and comprehension performance than the low information processing learners, d) for comprehension performance, the converging learners and the assimilating learners outperformed the diverging learners and the accommodating learners, and the accommodating learners outperformed the diverging learners, e) matching or mismatching learners’ preference with challenge game did not affect their motivation, flow experience and performance.


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