  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Students’ Swimming Ability Test—The Sample of National Taichung First Senior High School

指導教授 : 蕭嘉惠


本研究旨在瞭解我國游泳能力檢測發展沿革、學生游泳能力檢測的發展及成效,並探討學生游泳能力檢測所衍生之相關問題,藉由文獻分析、深度訪談等方法,進行國立臺中一中學生游泳能力檢測個案研究,以瞭解實際檢測問題並提出具體有效之策略,期能發現游泳檢測推動與執行上之問題與解決之道,以提供學校及愛好游泳人士之參酌,達到更有品質的游泳教學及游泳技能。本研究之主要結論如下: 一、我國游泳能力檢測之推展與現況部分: 自我國游泳檢測推展以來,根據教育部本身統計數據,學生游泳能力多有增進,溺水人數逐年下降,如繼續推展,對游泳能力提昇有正面發展。但在硬體建設逐漸發展並完備的同時,軟體的計劃、教學、管理、人力等也需要資源的支持,並妥善規劃。 二、國立臺中一中游泳能力檢測之推展與現況: 國立臺中一中游泳計劃,經該校體育發展委員會通過,可分四大類、(一)游泳教學部分;(二)游泳檢測部分;(三)水上運動競賽;(四)游泳學習營;同時該校執行游泳檢測之標準較高,成效反而較佳;然而該校執行游泳檢測發展至今,逐漸面臨到場地設施不佳及人力不足的瓶頸,如要再提昇同學的游泳能力,相關配套條件,有待解決。 三、教育部游泳能力檢測施行對國立臺中一中游泳能力檢測之影響: 國立臺中一中發展游泳檢測較教育部發展游泳檢測為早,且有游泳池加上游泳教學正常,檢測又採普測,並推動相關水上活動,是以目前臺中一中學生游泳能力較教育部公告之全國平均能力為高;而於相互影響部分,學校如何在特色與追隨政策間做一抉擇,仍有待學校本身決定,但教育部的規劃,仍會影響學校的長遠計劃。


This study was aimed to find out the history of the development of swimming ability test in our country as well as the effects and development of students’ swimming ability test, and to investigate the problems related to students’ swimming ability test. With document analysis method and in-depth interview method, this study made a research into the case of the students’ swimming ability test given in National Taichung First Senior High School to find out the practical test problems and put forward concrete and effective strategies in the hope of finding out the problems coming along with the promotion and implementation of swimming test and their solutions as a reference for schools and swimming lovers to advance the quality for swimming teaching and swimming skills. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The promotion of swimming test in our country and its present facts:Based on the statistics compiled by Ministry of Education, since the promotion of swimming test in our country, students’swimming ability has greatly improved, with the number of deaths caused by drowning decreasing every year. If the promotion continues, it will have a positive effect on the enhancement of swimming ability on the condition that while the hardware constructions are gradually being developed and bettered, the need for software plans, teaching, management and personnel can be satisfied and well designed. 2. The promotion of swimming test in National Taichung First Senior High School and its present facts: National Taichung First Senior High School’s swimming plan, passed by the School Sport Development Committee, is divided into four categories: (1) swimming teaching, (2) swimming test, (3) water sports competition, (4) swimming camp. Besides, the standard for swimming test set by National Taichung First Senior High School was higher and the effects were better. However, since the implementation of its swimming test, such bottlenecks as poor facilities and lack of manpower have gradually arisen, and, to further upgrade students’ swimming ability, these problems and their surrounding obstacles remain to be solved. 3. The effect of the implementation of swimming test made by Ministry of Education on the swimming ability test in National Taichung First Senior High School: The swimming ability test was implemented in National Taichung First Senior High School earlier than that by Ministry of Education, and, with normal swimming teaching, general test and the promotion of related water activities, the swimming ability of the students of National Taichung First Senior High School was better than the national average swimming ability proclaimed by Ministry of Education. As for the mutual effects, how a school makes a choice between pursuing its characteristics and following the policy is decided by itself; nevertheless, plans made by Ministry of Education still has a far-reaching effect of schools.


