  • 學位論文


The Study of Recruiting and Retaining of Scout Staff in Taipei County

指導教授 : 溫明忠


本研究旨在瞭解臺北縣市童軍團服務員招募與留用之現況,探討臺北縣市童軍團招募、訓練及留用童軍服務員之方法。依據研究目的與研究問題,研究者透過相關文獻瞭解非營利組織及童軍運動之人力招募方法與留用方式,並作為發展本研究架構及問卷編製之依據。 本研究採問卷調查法,以臺北縣市範圍內,團務持續正常運作且對服務員招募與留用有具體成效之童軍團,亦即童軍服務員與團員比率為一比六,或是團內有大於三人以上之童軍服務員之童軍團為研究對象。 依據研究結果,結論如下: 一、童軍團基本資料分析 臺北縣市範圍內,團務持續正常運作且對服務員招募與留用有具體成效之童軍團,其組成性質以包含男、女童軍體系之複式團居多,團成立時間平均為20.87年,其團員來源大多來自於學校,部分是從社區招生,或是經由團員家長與團員互相介紹。童軍團團員人數以49-72人為最多,平均人數為81.9人;童軍團服務員人數則以13-24人為最多,平均為25.3人,其童軍服務員與團員比例為1:4.5,表示本研究對象招募成效良好。 二、童軍團服務員招募 有八成一的童軍團在進行童軍服務員招募活動之前,會評估服務人力資源需求。約五成的童軍團在招募童軍服務員時,並不會注重服務員來源背景的多元化、分析目標群體及進行人力資源調查,表示各團在制定童軍服務員招募計畫時,僅考量所需的童軍服務員人數,並未針對實際的職務缺額做評估。全部的童軍團在招募新進童軍服務員之後,皆會給予工作職務說明,使童軍服務員瞭解其工作內容、權利和責任。高達九成的童軍團具有明確的願景與使命,以激勵團內的童軍服務員參與志願服務。童軍團招募童軍服務員方式以親友推薦比例最高,其餘則是透過童軍活動、招募活動、行善活動、文宣廣告、大眾傳播及電信媒介等方式。 三、童軍團服務員訓練 高達九成七的童軍團會提供童軍服務員在執行服務工作上所需的資源與協助。各團亦會鼓勵團內服務員參加總會舉辦各項服務員訓練及研習,以增進童軍服務員不足之處。 四、童軍團服務員留用 本研究對象,其童軍服務員平均留任團內時間為4-6年,研究發現全部的童軍團服務員皆願意奉獻時間,從事童軍活動,且相當信任團內進行的計畫和活動,以及團內執行使命的能力。而全部的童軍團亦能與每位童軍服務員建立和維持和諧關係,訂立共同協定,規範其責任和義務等,以及提供童軍服務員獨立思考、訂定工作目標、參與決策及擔負重要任務的機會,也會對童軍服務員的付出與貢獻加以表揚,或以適當的方式向童軍服務員道謝。 最後依據研究結果歸納之結論,分別對中華民國童軍總會、中華民國臺灣女童軍總會、各童軍團,以及後續相關研究者提出具體參考建議。


童軍服務員 招募 留用


This study aims to find out the present situation of the recruiting and retaining of volunteer scouters and how scout groups recruit and retain them in Taipei County. According to the reserch purpose and reserch questions, the resercher gets further understanding of NGO organizations and scout groups in recruiting and retaining through literature review and related empirical studies, based on which the study structure and questionnaire design are developed. With questionnaire survey in Taipei County, the reserch subjects are fouced on those scout groups which work normally and effectively on recruiting and retaining of volunteer scouters, in which the ratio of volunteer scouters and members are 1 to 6, or there are more than 3 volunteer scouters. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1.Analysis of scout group fact In Taipei County, most scout groups working normally and well on recruiting and retaining of volunteer scouters consist of boys and girls and have founded for 20.87 years on the avearage. Most of the members are the students in school and some come from the neighborhood, and others are introduced by them or their parents. Most scout groups have 49-72 members,and the average is 81.9. Most scout groups which have 13-24 members also have 1:4.5 in ratio of volunteer scouters and members, and the average member is 25.3, which means the subjects of the research work effectively. 2.Recruiting of volunteer scouters There’s 81% of scout groups, which will evaluate their need of volunteer scouters beore recruiting them. There’s 50% of scout groups, which don’t lay stress on the human source diversity, analyse the target group, or conduct human source survey, which implies they only take the number of volunteer scouters into consideration but don’t evaluate the actual availabe positions. After recruiting the volunteer scouters, all the scout groups will give work instructions ebabling them to get better understanding of their job, rights, and responsibility. Up to 90%, the scout gropus have clear vision and sense of commitment to inspire the volunteer scouters. Most of the scout groups recruit with recommendation by relatives and friends while the others recruit through scouting activies, recruiting activities, performing services, publicity materials, and the mass media. 3.Training for volunteer scouters Up to 97% of the scout groups will give resources and help needed by the volunteer scouters when performing service work. Also, each group encourages volunteer scouters to join the adult leader training and courses in order to enhance themselves. 4.Recruiting of volunteer scouters The volunteer scouters remain on job for 4-6 years on the average. This research shows that all the volunteer scouters are willing to devote their time to scouting activities, and fully trust the programs and activities undergoing and the ability to carry out a task in the scout group. All the scout groups keep a good relation and make agreemetns together with the volunteer scouters, which give them duty and responsibility, opportunities for critical thinking, goal making, policy making, and taking important postitions. Scout groups also commend volunteer scouters for their dedication or show their gratitude in propper ways. Based the conclusions from the reserch, resercher raises some concrete advice for The General Association of the Scouts of China, Girl Scout of Taiwan, community scout groups, and the following reserchers.


Volunteer scouters Recruiting Retaining


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