  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃光男


本研究旨在探討臺北市立美術館(以下簡稱北美館)提供幼稚園教學資源之研究,目的在分析幼稚園教師利用北美館實施校外教學之動機、過程與反思,並了解其利用北美館實施校外教學之資源需求。研究方法採用質性研究的取向,依立意取樣選取5位臺北市公立幼稚園,有利用北美館實施校外教學經驗之教師及北美館推廣組組長、資深義工,做深入訪談。研究發現與結論如下: 一、幼稚園教師利用北美館實施校外教學之動機:北美館之展示 內容部份符合幼兒學習之需要;環境條件利於安排幼兒團體參 觀。 二、幼稚園教師利用北美館實施校外教學之過程:幼稚園教師利 用北美館實施校外教學時,在參觀前之行前準備、參觀中之活動 進行以及參觀之後續活動,皆具有妥善之規劃與準備。 三、幼稚園教師對北美館之資源利用需求與意見:在教學資源方 面,希望館方能成立幼兒藝術資源學習中心,集合相關領域之專 家,研討幼兒學習之方法,為幼兒設計適合且完整的學習環境與 機會,促進美術館與幼兒的互動與幼兒專屬體驗活動學習區;在 服務方面,導覽解說宜依觀眾年齡層分級服務、開發符合幼稚園 教師藝術領域之教育資源、教育研習活動請教育單位發文到校, 以利教師參與活動。 依據本研究發現與結論,分別對北美館、幼稚園教師與後續研究 等三方面提出具體建議,以供未來相關實務工作以及後續研究發展之參考。


美術館 校外教學 教學資源


This research analyses the teaching resources that Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) provides for kindergarten teachers. The purpose is to comprehend teachers’ motives, considerations and reflections in the course of holding the field trip, and to understand which useful resources they need when visiting TFAM. The method I adopted is qualitative. I selected five teachers from Taipei City public kindergartens who had had the experience of holding field trips to TFAM, the director of TFAM education department and TFAM senior volunteers as my interviewers by purposive sampling and conducted in-depth interviewing with them. The findings and conclusion are as follows: 1. The motives of kindergarten teachers who had conducted a field trip to TFAM: the exhibitions held are good for learning young children; convenient environment for groups of young children to visit. 2. The considerations of kindergarten teachers who had conducted a field trip to TFAM: all kindergarten teachers had proper planning and preparation before, in the course of and after the field trip. 3. The needs and opinions of kindergarten teachers had for TFAM after visits: as for teaching resources and facilities, they hoped that TFAM could establish a learning center of fine arts for young children, and assemble expertise in related areas to understand how young children learn about fine arts and develop proper and complete learning environment and opportunities for young children, to encourage the interactions between TFAM and young children and to promote the experiential learning facilities for young children; as for service, they advised that TFAM should design various guided tours for audience of different age, and develop learning resources suitable for kindergarten teachers majoring fine arts, and that education administrations should issue official papers to school for the convenience of teachers who conduct field trips to TFAM.   Following the findings and conclusion of this research, I give concrete advices respectively to TFAM, Taipei City public kindergarten teachers and follow-up researchers, in order that related personnel and researchers who interested in this area could benefit from this research.


李 晶(2001)。國小教師對休閒農場提供資源實施校外教學活動之評估研究。師大學報:教育類,46(1),93-110。


