  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張柏舟


本文將研究探討愛德華.霍伯之繪畫作品表現形式應用於社會寫實數位影像創作的表現手法及各種可行性;從社會寫實與寫實主義的概說開始,切入至垃圾箱畫派(The Ash Can School)與美國寫實主義(American Realism)的源由,到霍伯之寫實繪畫在意義上界定的分際,並瞭解他在美國寫實主義潮流中的角色與定位,以此決定霍伯表現形式在大方向上的定調。此外並就霍伯繪畫特質與主題做觀察,在基礎的畫面構成、畫作元素及其中隱含的心理層面等,探求出可能是霍伯表現手法的特點並予以統整,本文中將把霍伯的畫作與兩位同時代美國寫實主義畫家的作品在這些特點上作比對,來定義與深研霍伯表現形式與繪畫觀。   接著本文將透過實驗,將以上的表現形式以個人實作,加上坊間各領域創作者向霍伯致敬之作品來探討與驗證之前分析出的表現形式的效果,以及其應用於數位影像創作的適用性與效力。本論文在數位作品方面,其影像素材的蒐集將朝與驗證後的表現形式相符合的方向進行;影像素材需要相當的量來搭配合成與篩選的動作,故其蒐集方式將傾向以數位相機攝影為主以便於短時間內大量蒐集影像;蒐集方向並以尋求第一手社會寫實的觀點,拍攝各式人物、場景,及各式對創造社會寫實影像有幫助的輔助性質影像為主,最終將以前階段中求出的繪畫觀結論為依歸來作視覺素材的篩選同時進行數位設計創作的建構。   去蕪存菁後的視覺素材將以影像編修軟體Adobe Photoshop透過增減畫面元素、光影的再詮釋、圖面的重新構成來加以重組、創作建構完成後,則以Corel Painter軟體予以筆觸與細節的編修,目標在於達成以愛德華.霍伯之繪畫作品表現形式應用於社會寫實的數位影像創作中;最終目的則是在衍生出一系列的社會寫實數位影像創作,期能跨時代與現代觀者對話,以突顯霍伯之繪畫觀用於反映現代的契合性以及其歷久不衰的價值。


This study is about targeting various expressional styles in Edward Hopper’s painting, as well as finding different possibilities of applying them to a social realistic digital imaging creation. In order to achieve that, this study starts from an overview of realism and social realism, through the founding of Ashcan school and American realism, to the reposition of Hopper’s stand in the means of realistic painting, so a general range could be drawn when it’s to find the expressional styles of Hopper. During the finding of those expressional styles, this study looked into the unique characteristics and motif of Hopper’s painting, which includes picture construction, elements within painting, and the psychological meanings hidden under to clarify the special aspects of hopper’s painting. Those aspects will be compared with two other American realism painters on the same ground around Hopper’s time, so a more profound and unique expressional style could be identified. Those unique styles of Hopper’s will be then tested in various digital image manipulations, and have the effectiveness valuated. Other Hopper-like artwork collected will go through the same valuation, so the know-how as when applying those styles can be found, so is to demonstrate the suit for digital imaging creation.   As for the digital creations bound with this study, base images will be collected base on the result form the earlier test, and for the great quantity of images for this task need to filter the perfect few, digital photography is the adopted method to make huge number of instant workable images in a short while. As this study aims to work form firsthand social realistic photos, various characters, themes and other supportive images were taken to suit this need.   This series of digital creations will be ultimately done by using Adobe Photoshop and Corel Painter software. Chosen images from earlier period will be manipulated in different aspects such as lighting, picture construction and theme elements through Photoshop. In painter software, those creations then go through the retouch state of styled brush so the goal of using expressional styles in Edward Hopper’s painting on social realistic digital image creation could be achieved by a realistic artwork style. The final result this study aimed to achieve, is to produce a series of creations that would communicate with contemporary viewers and even more to prove the dateless value of Hopper’s styles for their compatibility to modern expressions.


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Baigell, M., Artist and Identity in 20th Century America. (New York: Cambridge University press, 2001), pp. 49-50,52.
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Newman, S.,(2004), George Bellows's "New York" and the Spectacular Reality of the City. American Art, Vol. 18, No. 3(Autumn, 2004), pp. 92-99. Retrieved March 11, 2010. From http://www.jstor.org/stable/409 9 052
