  • 學位論文

漫畫風格之插畫創作與研究-以繪本創作家Jean-Jacques Sempé桑貝風格為例

The Study and Application of Comic-Styled Illustrations Based on Works of a Picture Books Illustrator—Jean- jacques Sempé

指導教授 : 張柏舟


現今圖書消費市場已從讀「書」為主轉變到以讀「圖」為主,而以圖像為主的圖畫書、繪本或漫畫的閱讀群亦從以「兒童」為主轉變到「成人」市場。「繪本」起源於歐美,在日本引發風潮,繼而激發台灣及大陸的繪本創作風潮,在台灣談起「成人繪本」,一定會談及「幾米」,提起成人幽默漫畫,也一定少不了「朱德庸」,而對於人文傳統深厚的歐洲繪本,沒有人敢忽略「桑貝」(Jean-Jacques Sempé)。桑貝為法國知名的幽默漫畫家、童書插畫家、成人繪本創作家,從「小淘氣尼古拉」到「瑪塞林為什麼會臉紅」,至今已有30多本繪本,在30幾個國家流傳。本研究以文獻分析法及個案研究法,歸納分析桑貝Sempé 成人繪本作品插畫特點、主題、圖像風格及漫畫表現形式,以手繪結合電腦繪圖方式,運用其風格,以個人生活經驗為主題進行插畫創作研究,藉以探索以生活觀察出發的桑貝繪本風格建立的元素,尋求另一種成人繪本插畫風格發展的可能性,並結合電腦軟體的優點,提升插畫創作之多元性。本研究獲致以下結論: 一、漫畫風格是當代流行成人繪本插畫風格之主流,主題反映社會及生活現況。 二、整體直觀模式輔以作品表現形式之細部分析能完整描述插畫家風格。 三、「圖像符號」為建立插畫家個人風格之要素。 四、桑貝插畫充分展現漫畫內外在表現形式、插畫作品融合寫實主義、表現主義並混合超現實主義繪畫風格,其插畫圖像主要反映生活經驗與社會文化背景,是關照周遭,既冷峻又溫暖的幽默漫畫家。 五、手繪與電腦繪圖創作之結合,提升創作之多元性與發展性。 本研究並提出在插畫創作方面,應提升成人繪本創作國際化程度及質量、善用漫畫的內外在表現形式創作、以生活經驗相關圖像符號建立個人風格,並善用數位媒體的優勢,拓展插畫創作應用的範疇、增加歐洲地區成人繪本創作研究等建議。


插畫 成人繪本 漫畫風格 桑貝


Beacuse of the new generation's reading habits transformed, modern societies thus demand for visual images, and the readers of picture books expand from children to adults. The picture books originated on Europe,spread and gone down well with the Asian.Just as ”Jimmy’s picture books” are popular In Taiwan, Jean-Jacques Sempé’s picture books for adults are best known in his native France and Europe. Jean-Jacques Sempé, the French humorous illustrator,is one of the most successful cartoonists in the world, best known for his picture books and Comic-Style illustrations,such as the “Le petit Nicolas”,”Marcellin Cailou”and“Raoul Tabourin”series. Sempé has published numerous collections and more than 30 picture books of his work in his native France.Those books had been translated into several languages and expanded to the overseas market. The literature analysis and image analysis are used in this study to discuss works of Sempé ‘s 11 picture books for adults that have been translated into Chinese. The creation means employed the computer graphic and the personal-specialized hand-drawing to creat the Comic-Styled and Sempé-Styled Illustrations base on the researcher’s life experience.The conclusions of this study are as follows: First, the Comic-Style is the pop and mainstream illustration style of the picture books for adults in the contemporary era. The creative origins are from human affairs in ordinary life. Second, combing the integrated and visual deduction with the expression forms analysis of the works is a good way to describe a illustrator's style completely. Three, the “Visual Symbol” is the key factor toward the establishment of a illustrator’s personal style. IV. Sempé 's illustrations are uniform in style. Their characteristics are as follows: the visual features and inner content are Comic-Style,the scene focuses on realism mixed with expressionism, utilizing the surreal expression makes the space with a dreamy atmosphere,and the “visual symbols” of his illustratons show the people living in French cities and human affairs in ordinary life. Sempé usually drawn from a distant or high viewpoint depicting detailed countrysides or cities.He is a calm, humorous and warm cartoonist who cares about unimportant persons. At last,the superiority of computer graphic integrating hand-drawing touch will promote the diversity, utilization and development in illustration creation.


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