  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林淑慧


「灶神」是一種器物崇拜之神祇,是古禮五祀之一。祭祀灶神的習俗,主要是冀望灶神能為眾人賜福消災。 筆者以探究台灣灶神信仰起源與演變為研究主軸,因五指山灶君堂是台灣第一座以「灶君爺」為主祀神的廟堂,具有研究價值,經過多次田野訪查,擬將灶君堂的歷史、現況、祭祀行為、社會功能做詳盡之爬梳。 本研究除第一章緒論及第六章結論外,共分四部份:第一部份有關灶神信仰的起源與現況,探討灶神的起源及形象、灶神信仰的祭儀與禁忌,進而探究台灣的灶神信仰與分佈情形。第二部份,論述五指山灶君堂的歷史與現況,先敘述五指山自然與人文風貌,並記錄灶君堂位居龍穴靈地,以及此廟堂是經由灶君爺顯化指點而成之傳說。再以田野調查的結果,歸納整理灶君堂之建築、組織、信眾、經費等現況。第三部份,五指山灶君堂的祭祀圈與祭典活動,探究灶君堂之祭祀圈涵括範圍,及其慶典儀式的活動情形。第四部分探討灶神信仰之社會功能,以鸞書教化與灶君堂的社會功能為議題。


民間信仰 灶神 民俗節慶 鸞堂 三恩主


“God of Stove” is a one of the object-related folk god who has been widely worshiped since ancient times and had already been the subject in one of the five most important worshipping rites. The custom of “God of Stove” worshipping is that everyone prays and thanks him for the fortune and protection he has brought forth. This thesis discusses the beginnings and changes of worshipping of God of Stove in Taiwan by using God of Stove Hall at Wu zhi Mountain , the first temple in Taiwan dedicated to him, as an exemplary study. Combined with an analysis of the temple’s history, present status, praying rites ,social functions and field study results, this thesis is divided into four parts apart from the introduction and conclusion. The first part looks into the origin and images of God of Stove’s worshipping and associated rituals and prohibitions as well as his believers and dedicated temples in Taiwan. The second part centres around the history and present status of God of Stove at Wu zhi Mountain and a geographical description of its natural surroundings, how God of Stove asked the temple to be built on its current location, the temple’s architectural style and the organization his followers have set up to support the temple. The third part examines the rituals involved in God of Stove’s worshipping at Wu zhi Mountain and other related activities as well as his believers nearby. The fourth part discusses the cultural values of Luantang, the social functions and its tourism values and philanthropic acts of God of Stove Hall at Wu zhi Mountain.


Folk belief God of Stove Folk Custom Luantang Sanenzhu


王見川、李世偉:《 台灣的民間宗教與信仰》,南投:台灣省文獻委員會,
