  • 學位論文


Effects of the different menstrual cycle and exercise intensity on energy metabolism

指導教授 : 謝伸裕


目的:利用月經週期溫度的變化,找出女性在不同運動強度下,哪一月經週期能消耗最多能量。方法:選取12名規律月經週期的女性 (年齡:22.2 ± 1.5 yrs;身高:162.3 ± 2.8 cm;體重:55.3 ± 3.5 kg),自我測量基礎體溫一個月後,依平衡次序方式分別在不同週期 (濾泡期、黃體期與行經期) 進行間斷遞增強度的跑步機運動,強度分為35%、55%及75%HRR三種,各運動10分鐘,運動期間全程配戴Polar錶及攝氧量分析儀,用以觀察心率、 攝氧量 (VO2) 、呼吸交換率(RER)、能量消耗及能量消耗來源等變項。結果:1.運動中的能量代謝:月經週期對運動中的受質代謝(醣類/脂肪)皆無顯著差異,但能量消耗在35%HRR運動強度下,行經期會顯著高於濾泡期; 在55%HRR運動強度時,黃體期與行經期皆會顯著高於濾泡期; 在75%HRR運動強度時,不同月經週期間皆無顯著差異。2.恢復期的能量代謝:月經週期在三種不同運動強度的恢復期皆無顯著差異,醣類/脂肪動用的比例也無顯著差異。3.總流程(運動+恢復)的能量代謝:黃體期 (250.8±17.7 Kcal) 及行經期 (260.7±24.7 Kcal) 的能量消耗顯著高於濾泡期(239.4±18.0 Kcal) ;在受質代謝的部分則可觀察到黃體期動用到醣類的部分會比濾泡期來的高。4.心率變化:黃體期在三種運動強度下的心跳率皆會顯著大於濾泡期。結論:1.黃體期及行經期可消耗較多的能量,其中又以中強度運動最為明顯,建議想利用月經週期變化來減重者,可多利用黃體期與行經期執行運動計畫。2.月經週期對受質代謝並無顯著差異可能與運動強度及時間有關,建議未來若想觀察到受質代謝上的差異,可增加強度及時間來做比較。3.由於黃體期的心率較高,如果執行運動訓練時是以心率來監控強度,須考慮週期性的變化來調整強度心跳率


Purpose: To study the effects of different menstrual phases with different exercise intensities on energy metabolism. Methods: Twelve healthy females (age: 22.2±1.5 yrs;height:162.3±2.8 cm;weight:55.3±3.5 kg) with normal menstrual cycles were recruited. All subjects monitored basal body temperature for a mouth, then performed an intermittent incremental exercises on treadmill in three different menstrual phases ( luteal phase, LP;follicular phase, FP; and menstruation, MP ) in a counter-balanced order. The three exercise intensities were 35%, 55% and 75% heart rate reserve (HRR), each exercises levels were 10 minutes in duration. The heart rate, energy expenditure and substrate metabolism were measured by Polar S725x and Vmax 29 . Results: 1. Energy metabolism during exercise : There is no different on substrate metabolism in different menstrual phases, but the energy expenditure during MP was significantly higher than FP at 35% HRR exercise. At 55%HRR, the energy expenditure during LP and MP were significantly higher than FP. Energy expenditure at different menstrual phases were not significantly different at 75%HRR. 2. Energy metabolism during recovery stage: Energy expenditure and substrate metabolism at different menstrual phases and intensities were not significantly different. 3. Energy metabolism for the whole exercise test (exercise + recovery): Energy expenditure during LP (250.8±17.7 Kcal) and MP (260.7±24.7 Kcal) were significantly higher than FP (239.4±18.0 Kcal). The carbohydrate metabolism during LP was significantly higher than FP. 4. Heart rate variation: Heart rate during LP is significantly higher than FP at all exercise intensities. Conclusions: 1. Druing LP and MP will expend more calorie during exercise, and it was more pronounce at moderate intensity exercise. If women want to use menstrual cycle change to lose weight, this study recommend to do exercise during LP and MP. 2. No differences on substrate metabolism in different menstrual phases may relate to exercise intensity and duration. Metabolic studies should use higher intensity and duration in the future. 3. Exercise heart rate should be monitored because of higher heart rate during LP.


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