  • 學位論文


Home-space doing and its transition of female immigrants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳雪雲


本文主要探討新移民女性在台的生活空間使用與轉移之情形及對「家」意義之建構歷程與轉折,希望藉由此研究建構出東南亞籍新移民女性在台生活適應經驗歷程之圖像,促使社會大眾提升自身的文化敏感度,尊重其主體性。 研究以質性研究為研究取向,選擇四位現居台北縣的新移民女性作為研究參與者,探討其在台生活空間建構歷程。研究發現新移民女性在台生活空間以住屋為主,且家務勞動充斥於其居家空間中,相對於家務勞動空間的充斥,她們在居家中的休閒空間、閱讀空間便顯得缺乏,而因為休閒時空的缺乏,導致新移民女性自身必須將家務空間與休閒空間加以重疊,在家屋中,空間重疊使用的情形在新移民女性生活中是十分常見的。 隨著來台時間的增長、身分角色的轉化皆影響了新移民女性在居家生活空間使用與體驗的情形。初抵台灣的新移民女性對於住屋空間多半僅擁有使用權,而無支配或更改空間的權力。而隨著居住時間的增加,新移民女性對於住屋空間的使用,也開始會將自身喜愛的物品,裝飾或擺設於臥房或公共空間中,拉近自身與住屋空間的距離,提升自己對於住屋空間的支配權。 然而,家對於新移民女性而言,卻是一個複雜、矛盾的場域,家中有著她們心愛的家人、自身喜愛的小空間,卻也充斥著無數的家務勞動,或無法排解的婆媳糾紛等,使得返家的心境變的無奈又矛盾,一個簡單的「歸家」動作,在新移民女性背後潛藏著沉重的壓力。 新移民女性長期被侷限在家庭這個私領域內,家屋空間成為了女性日常中最重要的舞台。家若要真正成為一個平等的空間,必須關注到其中不同成員的需求,尤其是長時間使用家庭空間的女性,如此才能營造一個真正平等的家庭空間。


The purpose of study is to explore the meaning of home and its changing for the female immigrant from Southeast Asia. It also hopes to establish a graphical image of home space through the adaptation process of their living in Taiwan. A qualitative approach through in-depth interviews is conducted to study four female immigrants living in Taipei County. The study shows that most of female immigrant is living a restricted space, where is overflowing with housework. Furthermore, they are lack of the space for learning and entrainment. As a result, the space for their home life is overlapping with housework, caring, leisure and entertaining. Most of female immigrant was confined to the house when they were arrival. Put it specifically, they do not have power to allocate or alter the home space. However, as the year of residency increases, especially the births of baby, they become own the power to decorate the bedroom or public space at home. By doing so, they become feeling ‘at home’. However, for the female immigrant, “home” is a complicated and contradicting site. In this lovely little space, they decorate, live with beloved ones. On the other hand, it is a space filled with endless chores and unsolvable disputes. ‘Going home’ seems for them a helpless, intensive pressure and contradictory action. The home life of female immigrant is permanently restricted to the house and the community in the vicinity. The home-space becomes staged for their ordinary live. It suggests that families have to attend on the need of female in general and the spatial organization of domestic dwelling in particular in order to bring about a truly equality of home space. Finally, this study urges that the society to reconcile their cultural identity and respect their subjectivity.


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