  • 學位論文

網路讀者書評內容分析研究 –以科學普及類書評為例

Analyzing Scientific Popularization Online Book Review: A Content Analysis study.

指導教授 : 邱銘心博士


由於資訊科技及網路的發展,使用者的閱讀習慣受到網路的影響,讀者書評成為讀者選書的另一參考來源。科普書籍是一種科學知識與文學素養的綜合體,好的科普書可以幫助讀者瞭解科學知識、培養科學素養,與其他傳播管道相較,科普書具有較詳盡的科學知識,可以讓讀者獲得比較全面性的瞭解。因此本研究以科普類書評為研究對象,對網路讀者書評進行內容分析,瞭解其內容與寫作形式,推廣網路讀者書評的應用。 本研究以Pollach(2006)之研究為基本架構,並參考過去專業書評之內容特性,分析網路讀者書評基本構成、內容特性、句子與文字的選擇,建立研究之分析架構與類目;以此分析架構來討論網路讀者書評之結構與格式、寫作內容與網路文類特徵。本研究整理出版社之科普書系書籍清單,至aNobii網路閱讀社群網站搜尋讀者書評,共收集282本科普圖書,897篇讀者書評,逐篇分析且歸納書評之內容,並與一位協同編碼者進行共同編碼,確認研究信度。 研究結果顯示,一、網路讀者書評數量繁多,可以補足過去專業書評數量不足之問題。寫作簡潔,受評書籍多,且書評者不限於學者專家,由眾多的書評者共同撰寫與累積書評。二、在內容方面,雖然不及專業書評深入,但仍具有專業書評的各項特性,可作為使用者選書的參考。網路讀者書評的內容更親近讀者,書評者發表自身選書、閱讀之經驗,說明書籍內容深度、適用對象等,同時也評論作者寫作方法、翻譯好壞等問題,對於不熟悉科普領域之讀者,為指引選書的一個重要來源。網路讀者書評因其載體性質而具有獨特的內容特性。其一為在書評中提供外連網址,打破傳統線性閱讀,甚至可提供多媒體內容作為書評補充。其二為具有互動性,使用者可以回應書評,或者是建立線上讀書會,利用網站提供之社群功能,與其他使用者產生互動。三、網路讀者書評寫作形式受到載體影響,結構較不嚴謹,表達方式自由;並受到CMC語言影響,擁有網路文類特性,但數量偏少,顯示書評者認真撰寫評論。 依據研究結果,提出對於網路讀者書評平台、圖書館、出版社、閱讀推廣活動、推廣書評寫作等五方面建議。一、現有平台中,不同內容長度、深度以及類型之書評皆混雜在一起,使用者很難迅速找到需要的資訊,若網站可以依照書評內容加以設計,必能增加網路書評的使用度;二、在圖書館的應用上,在內部可以作為館員選書及分類的參考,對外可運用於圖書館的OPAC,作為使用者選書參考;三、網路讀者書評為出版社與讀者交流的重要管道,可由讀者書評中瞭解讀者之感想及需求;四、在舉辦閱讀推廣活動時,可參考網路讀者書評中對於內容的評論以及書籍內容深度與適用對象的部分,選擇切題及內容深度適當的圖書,並加入現有之書評,讓讀者作為閱讀選擇之參考;五、網路發達促成資訊迅速交流,讀者的選書活動不再只限於出版社單方面行銷,讀者自主性提高,利用閱讀社群網站、部落格撰寫書評及閱讀書評,提升社會之閱讀風氣。


Since the development of Internet and information technology, reading habits of users affected by the Internet, reader’s book reviews become other reference sources of book selection. Scientific popularization book is a complex of scientific knowledge and literary accomplishment. Good Scientific popularization book can help readers understand the scientific knowledge and scientific literacy training. Comparing with other communication channels, scientific popularization book has a more detailed scientific knowledge, allowing readers to obtain more comprehensive of understanding. This study take scientific popularization book reviews as an example for content analysis, to understand its content and writing forms, and promote the application of online book review. In this study, take Pollach’s study and characteristics of professional book reviews’ content as the basic structure to analyzing the basic structure, content characteristics, choosing of sentence style and words of online book review. This analytical framework to discuss the structure and format of online book review find out the categories of content and characteristics of Cybergenres. The list of scientific popularization book is sort by press. Searching book reviews on aNobii, the Internet reader’s community website collected a total of 282 books, 897 reader’s book reviews. One by one analysis and summarized the contents of online book review, and with a collaborative encoder. The results of the study indicate that: 1. The vast amount of online book review can make up for deficiencies in the past, book reviews are not limited to scholars, from those who co-authored numerous book reviews and accumulation of book reviews. 2. The content of online book review, though not as professional book reviews in depth, but still has all the characteristics of professional book reviews. Online book reviewer are closer to the reader, the contents of book reviews from their book selection strategy, reading experience, and indicating the depth of book content. And also comments on methods of writing, translation issues, for readers not familiar with the science fields, as an important guide source of book selection. Online book reviews the nature of its vector with unique content features. The first is to provide external links in the book review website, to break the traditional linear reading, and even add multimedia content as a book review. The second is interactive, users can respond to book reviews, or to create online book clubs, using community functions which websites provide, interact with other users. 3. The online book review affected by the vector, the structure is less rigorous, freedom of expression, also affected by the CMC language, with the characteristics of Cybergenres. But relatively few number of shows reviewers to write book reviews seriously. There are five suggests, for platform of the online book review, for libraries, for publishers, for reading promotion activities and for the writing of book reviews. 1. In the existing platforms, different content length, depth and type of book reviews are mixed; the user is difficult to quickly find the information they need. If the site can be designed in accordance with the contents of book reviews, will increase the degree of using online book review. 2. In the Library, in the interior can be helpful in classified books and book selection for librarians. In the external can be applied to the library’s OPAC, as a book selection reference for readers. 3. For the Press, online book review as a major channel for communication with readers. Book reviews can help for understanding the feelings and needs of readers. 4. When organizing the reading promotional activities, the host can refer to online book review to select relevant and appropriate content of the books. And add the existing book reviews, for readers to choose books. 5. Network developed to promote the rapid exchange of information, readers book selection activities are no longer confined to Press unilateral marketing. Readers can use reading community site and book reviews of blog to find book reviews. Promote the writing of book reviews and enhance of the reading habit.


Askehave, I. & Swales, J. M. (2001). Genre identification and communicative purpose: a problem and a possible solution. Applied Linguistics, 22(2), 195-212.
