  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張雪梅


本研究旨在探討北部一所公立大學住宿生之公民參與態度與公民參與行為及其相關因素。研究目的為:一、探討個案學校大學部住宿生在宿舍內的公民參與態度與公民參與行為的現況。二、探討不同背景變項住宿生在宿舍內的公民參與態度與公民參與行為的差異。三、探討個案學校大學部住宿生公民參與態度與公民參與行為的相關性。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以研究者自編之「大學住宿生公民參與態度與行為問卷」為調查工具,以個案學校大學部住宿生為研究對象,採用分層隨機抽樣,問卷共發出1,000份,有效樣本為877份。問卷內容分為:個人基本資料、大學住宿生公民參與態度量表、大學住宿生公民參與行為量表與開放式問題。資料分析採取之統計方法包括描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行分析。   本研究結果發現: 一、住宿生公民參與態度傾向於積極、正向,其中以宿舍關懷態度表現最好,宿舍責任態度次之,第三為參與宿舍公共事務態度。 二、住宿生公民參與行為傾向於消極的參與,而以宿舍資訊交流的行為表現較佳,其次依序為參與宿舍活動、意見表達、參與宿舍會議、參與宿舍自治組織。 三、個案學校住宿生整體公民參與態度中,以新生宿舍與高年級宿舍、有參加興趣小組經驗者,顯著高於社、法、醫學院宿舍與沒有參加興趣小組經驗者。 四、個案學校住宿生整體公民參與行為中,分別以有宿舍服務經驗、有參加自訂寢室生活公約、興趣小組、各類競賽或聯誼活動、有志工經驗者,顯著高於沒有宿舍服務經驗、沒有參加自訂寢室生活公約、興趣小組、各類競賽或聯誼活動與沒有志工經驗者。 五、住宿生公民參與態度與公民參與行為之間呈現顯著正相關。   最後,根據研究結論,分別對個案學校、學生及後續研究方面,提出具體建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between the civic engagement attitude and civic engagement behavior among the undergraduates living in the residence halls of a public university located in northern Taiwan. The aims of this study included:(1)exploring investigation in the status quo of the civic engagement attitude and civic engagement behavior among the undergraduates living in the residence halls ;(2)exploring the discrepancy in the civic engagement attitude and civic engagement behavior among the students of different personal backgrounds; and(3)exploring the relationship between civic engagement attitude and civic engagement behavior. The questionnaire survey was adopted in this study. The research was conducted by using the self-compiled “The questionnaire of Civic Engagement Attitude and Civic Engagement Behavior” with the quantification made through stratified and random sampling. The research samples were taken from the undergraduates living in the residence halls of a public university located in northern Taiwan. There were 1,000 questionnaires issued, with 903 responses received, among which 877 were valid. The questionnaire included four parts: personal background information , civic engagement attitude scale, civic engagement behavior scale, and open-ended questions. The questionnaire data were analyzed and using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, oneway ANOVA, and Pearson’s product moment correlation. The following findings were found: (1)The civic engagement attitudes of the undergraduates tended to be positive, especially the attitude of dormitory concerns, the second was the attitude of dormitory responsibility, the third was the attitude of dormitory public affairs participation. (2)The civic engagement behavior of the undergraduate tended to be passive, the behavior on exchange of dormitory information was the highest of the five dimensions, followed by participation in residential activities, expressing opinions, participation in dormitory meeting, and engagement in dormitory autonomy organization. (3)The undergraduates who lived in freshman or senior residence halls , or had experiences of participating in interest groups , were significantly positive in civic engagement attitudes than those who lived in Social Sciences ; Law ; Medicine residence halls, or those without experiences of participating in interest groups. (4)The undergraduates who had experiences of serving in residence halls, participating in residential programs and activities , or volunteer experiences were significantly positive in civic engagement behavior than those without such experiences. (5)There were significantly positive correlation between civic engagement attitudes and civic engagement behavior . Finally, based on the results and findings of this research, recommendations for the school authority, the students and further research are presented.




