  • 學位論文


The Study of Local Marketing of Cultural Creative Industry ─ Example of Luodong town

指導教授 : 周賢彬


文化創意產業現今已是全球化經濟發展的重要趨勢,其產業本身及周邊商品不但為企業、國家創造高經濟價值的收益,同時行銷各國自然與人文特色,間接地促進國家及地方的觀光發展。因此,各國地方政府無不趨之若鶩,以文化創意產業行銷地方。 這股熱潮不僅在全球延燒,全台各鄉鎮縣市的文化創意產業發展更如雨後春筍。結合當地的自然景觀與人文特色、連結社區住民與地方產業,以主辦活動、設計節慶、說故事……等方式,重新包裝行銷地方文化,創造鮮明的觀光旅遊意象,如:苗栗的客家文化與油桐花、鶯歌陶瓷……等,不僅成功保存了在地文化、更創造出獨一無二的地方品牌,為地方帶來經濟效益及永續發展的契機。 有鑑於文創產業的排山倒海、勢之所趨,及研究生八年的羅東在地任教生活體驗,促成筆者以此為研究主題,深度探討、推薦宜蘭縣羅東這個兼具城鄉風貌,純樸、美麗小鎮的文創產業,作為行銷地方的參考。 本研究採質化研究法,分別以文獻探討、個案分析、田野調查及深度訪談等研究方法,輔以SWOT矩陣整理分析,說明研究主題、分析相關個案,架構本論文的研究面向,以利後續研究結果之發展,作為提升羅東鎮地方行銷競爭力的參考。


Cultural creative industry nowadays becomes an important tendency for global economical development. The industry itself and extended products not only obtain great profits for enterprises and country, but also markets natural and civilization features all over the world. The marginal-benefit for sightseeing promotion is apparent. Thus many local governments in the world try their best for self-promotion by cultural creative industry. In Taiwan, many counties plan activities for promoting cultural creative industry such as: combination of natural geography view with humanity feature; linkage of community residents and local industry. There are several successful examples: Miao-Li Hakka culture and Yingge ceramics…these not only reserve the local culture but also create unique brand, bring economy benefits and provide eco-developing chance. Being living and teaching in Luodong town for 8 years, the researcher is deeply impressed by the beauty of small local town. This study intends to investigate and introduce this town. Hope to provide valuable reference for local marketing. This study adopts quality research method including literature review, case study, field survey and deep interview. Also SWOT analysis is utilized. The main contribution of this study is detailed description of research topic; case analysis and organization of research aspects for further study on promoting Luodong town’s competing potential.


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