  • 學位論文


Curriculum design for training cross-cultural competence in Chinese language teachers

指導教授 : 信世昌


目前在世界多國掀起的華語學習熱潮,甚至引起設立以華語為主要教學語言的學校。為了應付這種趨勢,中國大陸以及台灣當局積極企劃培養華語教師,並派往他國任教華語。如今台灣已有不計其數的華語師資培訓單位,而提供華語教學相關理論與實務訓練。但在此訓練當中比較缺乏訓練華語教師的跨文化能力的教育活動。 為了彌補上述的缺陷,本研究目標設計跨文化能力培訓工作坊,並探討以下主要問題:有關跨文化工作環境,華語教師有哪些培訓需求;華語教師的跨文化能力培訓工作坊應有哪些設計原則、培訓活動、以及評估方法。在此探討的過程當中,本研究借鑒於他領域已有的跨文化能力培訓方式以及評估方法,如:美國空軍大學的跨文化能力培訓課程與文化智能中心的文化智能度量表。 本研究主要得出來的研究結果如下。(1)該工作坊的理念:將華語教師訓練成能在跨文化教學環境之下有效執行任務;(2)該工作坊的目標:了解文化與跨文化能力概念相關的理論知識;學習在跨文化環境之下工作與生活時有用的知識與行為能力;培養在跨文化環境之下工作與生活時有用的態度(3)該工作坊內容與活動的設計原則:給培訓者有權威的角色,也同時讓受訓者積極參與工作坊;將工作坊受訓人員多樣化;在工作坊的培訓內容與活動當中強調其實用性;讓受訓者進行反思,並且將此結果與其他成員分享;善用網路工具;清楚易懂、簡單明了的培訓範圍以及目標;可評量、評估的培訓成果


The growing demand for Mandarin Chinese even has led schools to be established in some foreign countries, who adopt Mandarin Chinese as their primary instructional language. In order to meet the trend, Chinese and Taiwanese government agencies are actively training Mandarin Chinese teachers who are to be sent abroad. However, even with numerous teacher training institutions in Taiwan which provide Chinese language pedagogy and practica, there lacks the training for cross cultural competence in Chinese language teachers. For this reason, the researcher plans to design a workshop to train cross-cultural competence in Chinese language teachers. The questions to be discussed in the course of designing the workshop are: What are the needs of Chinese language teachers under cross-cultural working environment?; What are the principles in designing the workshop, appropriate activities, and evaluation methods? While discussing the questions above, the researcher also looks into the cross-cultural competence training program currently adopted by the U.S. Air Force Air University and assessment methods developed by Cultural Intelligence Center. Conclusions derived from the research are: (1) Mission of the workshop: Train Chinese language teachers to become capable of performing efficiently under cross-cultural work environment; (2) Objects of the workshop: Understand the theories and knowledge on the concepts of culture and cross-cultural competence; Study knowledge and behaviors that are useful for working and living under cross-cultural environment; Train attitudes that are useful when working and living under cross-cultural environment; (3) Principles in designing the contents and activities for the workshop: Give the trainer authority while letting the trainees actively participate; Include trainees from various backgrounds; Emphasize the practical aspects of the workshop contents; Have the trainees reflect on their learning outcomes and share them with other members of the workshop; Utilize web resources and tools; Set clear goals and ranges for learning; Set outcomes that can be assessed.


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