  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Study of Catalog Professional Certification of Atypical Catalogers

指導教授 : 林呈潢


台灣近年各類型圖書館因人力編制普遍縮減,許多圖書館為了節省人力、精簡財務與解決書目資料庫需求而選擇將編目業務委外,但編目委外可能帶給圖書館最大的不安是書目品質的問題,而書目品質的良萎關係著圖書館自動化系統運作的績效,不得不慎。不僅圖書館存在著編目品質管理問題、委外機構更是因聘用人員素質不穩定導致書目品質難以掌控,影響與圖書館合作的業務推展。如何藉由認證機制培訓專業編目人員,以解決圖書館界及業界書目品質管理的問題,成為探討動機。 本研究旨在透過文獻瞭解目前國內編目作業及委外機構編目現況、編目人員參加認證的可能因素、國內實施編目專業人員認證制度的議題。整理文獻所得,設計成二份問卷,一份以編目公司為對象,藉以瞭解編目公司的經營情形、用人策略及教育訓練實施情況及對實施編目人員專業認證制度的看法;一份以受雇於編目公司之非典型編目人員為對象,以瞭解非典型編目人員工作上對專業技能及專業知能的需求,及其對編目人員專業認證的需求性,進而探討建立編目人員專業認證制度的可行性。


Taiwan in recent years, the preparation of all types of libraries in general because of reduced manpower, many libraries in order to save manpower and streamlining the financial and bibliographic databases to solve the needs of businesses choose to outsource cataloging. But the library catalog outsourcing may bring the greatest anxiety is the problem of quality books, and books bearing on the quality of the good wilt the performance of the operation of the library automation system, not accidentally. Library cataloging not only the existence of quality management, outsourcing company to be more unstable because of the quality of personnel employed is difficult to control quality and lead to books, the library co-operation of business development. How to use the training of professional catalogers authentication mechanism to address the library community and the industry quality management problems bibliography, as of motivation. This study aimed to understand the present, through literature and outsourcing organization cataloging cataloging status, catalogers to participate in certification of the possible factors, the domestic implementation of the certification system for professionals in the subject cataloging. Organize the literature from, designed to duplicate the questionnaire, a catalog company to object, in order to understand the catalog company's operating situation, employment policy and implementation and training staff on the implementation of professional certification system catalog views; a to employment Atypical catalogers cataloging company targeted to understand the work of atypical cataloging staff professional skills and professional knowledge of the needs of its cataloging staff of professional certification requirements, and then explore the establishment of Professional certification system catalog feasibility.


