  • 學位論文


Lin Shuang-Wen Event Study

指導教授 : 溫振華


林爽文事件發生於清高宗統治後期,臺灣人民出於生存的需要而拜把結會,官府因為緝捕手段過於激烈,引起以林爽文為首的天地會群眾的反抗。動亂初起,臺灣總兵柴大紀的退縮延誤,使事件逐漸蔓延擴大。之後,雖有福建水、陸兩提督黃仕簡、任承恩及欽差湖廣總督常青先後渡海來臺督軍,戰事卻延宕一年之久未能完結,直到皇帝派出心腹愛將福康安,率領抽調自各省的官軍精銳前來,雙方僵持的局面才獲得解決。 林爽文事件使朝廷對臺灣的統治政策做了一些改變,其中影響比較重大的約有三項:一是增開對渡口岸,使臺灣北部擁有正式的官方渡口,增進了地方的繁榮發展;二是實施屯丁制度,促成各番社之間的互動聯繫,也導致屯丁新階級的形成與部落人口的減少;三是開放築城,打破了朝廷長久以來不許臺灣建築堅固城垣的禁忌。 林爽文事件無論是從官方動員的兵力、波及的區域、善後的影響各方面來看,都堪稱是清領時期臺灣最大的動亂。


林爽文 莊大田 臺灣民變 柴大紀 福康安


Lin Shuang-Wen Event took place during the latter half of the Emperor Kao Tsung’s rule in the Ching Dynasty. In that time, Taiwan locals were accustomed to form organized associations to protect themselves. The officials, however, used high-handed measures to put down such organizations. As a result, Heaven And Earth Association led by Shuang-Wen Lin rebelled against the government. Owing to Chief General Chai Da-ji’s timidity and procrastination during the onset of the riots, the rebellion gradually spread out. Even with the reinforcement from the mainland led by army general Huang Shi-jian and navy general Jen Chen-en of Fu Jian province under the supervision of Governor-general of Hu-Guang provinces Chang Ching, the rebellion could not be suppressed and lasted for over one year. Not until Emperor Kao Tsung assigned General Fu Kung-an, in whom he trusted greatly, to lead elite combat forces from several provinces, did the stalemate be broken. After Lin Shuang-Wen Event, Ching dynasty adjusted its controlling policy regarding Taiwan. Among many adjustments were three major changes: (1) Increase of official harbors: More official harbors were opened in northern Taiwan, which helped stimulate local prosperity. (2) Establishment of military farming system: Military farming system promoted the communication among different aboriginal tribes and consequently attributed to the establishment of a new social class and to the dwindling of the population in tribes’ villages. (3) Building city walls: The long official ban on building walls around cities was lifted. In terms of forces mobilized, areas affected and the implication followed, Lin Shuang-Wen Event was the largest insurgency in Taiwan during the Ching Dynasty.


1959 《臺灣採訪冊》,臺北: 臺灣銀行經濟研究室。
1960 《鳳山縣採訪冊》,臺北: 臺灣銀行經濟研究室。
1993 《清代臺灣廳縣制度之研究》,臺北:華世出版社。
