  • 期刊


The research of Lin Jie Mao Shi Jiang Yi




In the study of the Shi Jing history, Mao Shi Jiang Yi written by Lin Jie, the confucianism in the Song Dynasty, has been neglected by those scholars. Even so, Zhu Yi Zun's Jing Yi Kao, Jing Yi Kao' s Jiang-Yi-Ti include twelve kinds of writing about Shi Jing, only Lin Jie's Mao Shi Jiang Yi is still surviving, the others almost disappeared. That is the meaning of Mao Shi Jiang Yi. This article through Mao Shi Jiang Yi's stylistic rules and position, discovering Lin Jie respect Shi Xu, not only widely cited the authoritative statements of the Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, but presented a self-perspective timely. In addition, Mao Shi Jiang Yi had the shadow of the times. This article investigate and evaluate the explanation form on Mao Shi Jiang Yi, hope to find the reasonable position of Mao Shi Jiang Yi.


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