  • 學位論文

國民中學組織文化 組織學習與學校效能關係之研究

指導教授 : 丁導民


本研究在探討國民中學組織文化、組織學習及學校效能之關係,以桃園縣公立國中教師為研究對象,採用分層隨機抽樣方式,有效樣本數共計376份,有效回收率94%。採用統計方法:t考驗、One-Way ANOVA、Pearson相關係數及多元迴歸來檢視研究假設。經資料分析後獲致研究結論如下: ㄧ、國民中學教師知覺的組織文化、組織學習與學校效能具有中上水準表現。 二、國民中學教師對組織文化整體受學歷、擔任職務影響而有所差異;其分層面的「理性文化」、「發展文化」受學校規模明顯的影響。 三、國民中學教師對組織學習整體受學歷、擔任職務影響而有所差異;其分層面「自我超越」受服務年資明顯的影響。 四、國民中學教師對學校效能整體受擔任職務影響而有所差異;其分層面「行政管理績效」則受學歷明顯的影響。 五、國民中學的組織文化、組織學習間,彼此有高度正相關;其組織文化、學校效能間,彼此有高度正相關;其組織學習、學校效能間,彼此有高度正相關。 六、國民中學的組織文化、組織學習對「學校效能」具有正向預測力;其中以「系統思考」最具有正向預測力。


This study investigates the relation of organizational culture, organizational learning and school effectiveness in junior high school. This study uses stratifying random sampling method. The research subject is public junior high school teachers in Taoyuan County. The valid samples amount to 376 and the effective return rate is 94%. The statistical methods include t tests One-Way ANOVA, the Pearson correlation coefficient and the multiple regression to examine the hypothesis. The findings of the study are as follows. First, the organizational culture awareness, organizational learning awareness and school effectiveness awareness of junior high school teachers are above average performance. Second, the organizational culture of junior high school teachers varies with education degree and position. Its sublevel "rational culture" and "development cult ure" are influenced significantly by school size. Third, the performance of junior high school teachers’ organizational learning varies with education degree and position; Its sublevel “personal mastery " is influenced significantly by service year. Fourth, junior high school teachers vary with school effectiveness; its sublevel "administrative performance" is influenced significantly by education degree. Fifth, the correlation between organizational culture and organizational learning in public junior high school is high positive; the correlation between organizational culture and school effectiveness in public junior high school is high positive; the correlation between organizational learning and school effectiveness in public junior high school is high positive. Sixth, organizational culture, organizational learning in public junior high school have positive predictive power over "school effectiveness"; "Systems thinking" is the most positive predictor.


丁伯強(2005)。學校知識管理運用與學校效能關係之研究-以桃園縣國民小學為例。未出版之碩士學位論文,國立台北師範學院教育政策與管理研 究所,台北。


