  • 學位論文


An action research to integrate “Personal Financial Management” teaching material into junior high school with Activity-Based instructions

指導教授 : 黃美筠


本研究之宗旨在探討如何運用活動本位教學策略,將金管會所編製之個人理財教材,在不增加教學時數的狀況下,融入現今九年一貫課程綱要的正式課程中。本研究以行動研究之方式,針對研究者所任教之學校,進行融入教材的嘗試。並期望透過此過程,發現教材中尚待改進的部分,以及在融入教學時,可以補強的地方。為了能夠更全面且深入的瞭解本次行動研究教學之成效,本研究採取質量混合研究設計,希望以多元的資料收集,來達到研究目的。   本研究共挑選兩個九年級班級,將理財教材結合活動本位教學策略之後,在綜合活動學習領域以及社會學習領域當中實施,目的除了探究實施理財課程之後,學生的理財素養是否有顯著的提升之外,亦強調解決在融入的過程當中,可能產生的問題,並提供相關的改進策略。   本次研究主要使用的研究工具有三,第一,為金管會所編製之理財教材「個人理財國中篇」,經過修改之後,進行實施。第二,以研究者自編之「國中學生理財素養調查問卷」對實施理財教學之班級進行前後測,進行統計考驗,來得知學生在接受理財課程之後,理財素養是否有所提升;第三,研究者在理財課程結束之後,對若干學生以及協同合作教師進行訪談,瞭解其對於本次教學之回饋以及建議。   根據研究發現,歸納本次研究結果如下: 一、金管會理財課程之檢視  本研究主要目的之一,即是要瞭解金管會所設計之「個人理財國中篇」課程在國中階段實施的情況,本次行動研究發現:  (一)學生對教材內容接受度高,唯金錢價值觀與金錢規劃部分較不符合國中程度  (二)風險管理與保險課程較難與國中教材作結合,內容稍嫌不夠完整  (三)「瞭解銀行的功能」單元,與學生的生活經驗較難連結 二、以活動本位教學策略進行理財課程之成效  (一)學生之理財素養在接受理財課程後有顯著的提升  (二)活動本位教學策略相較於講述法,較能引起學生的學習興趣  (三)活動本位教學策略有助於教師以多元的方式對學生的學習成就進行評量 三、學生對於本次理財課程的學習經驗與反應   多數學生都認為活動本位教學策略讓上課變得比較有趣,也比較願意參與課程的進行。而對於理財課程的內容,學生亦認為理財十分重要,也希望可以在國中就接觸到相關的知識。整體來說,學生對於本次理財課程抱持正面的評價。 四、協同合作教師對於本次理財課程的回饋   協同合作教師表示從本次理財課程的實施當中,可以觀察到學生在學習動機、學習態度上,皆有十分明顯的提升,對於理財素養的培養,也有相當的成效。認為以活動本位教學策略來進行理財課程,對學生的幫助很大。若能將課程的內容與現行的國中教材作更有系統的結合,會更適合目前的教學現場環境。


This action research attempts to integrate the “Personal Financial Management” teaching material published by Financial Supervisory Commission, R.O.C. into the structuration of junior high school with activity-based instructions on the premise of not to gain any extra school hours. The aim of this study also wanted to improve this teaching material and to enhance the effectiveness of teaching in financial education.   At first, the study made a comparison among the financial curriculum of various countries, the financial concepts in the textbook of junior high school, and the teaching material of “Personal Financial Management” to strengthen and restructure the financial curriculum. Second, the study integrates the financial curriculum into Social Learning Field and Integrative Activities Learning Field of junior high school with Activity-Based instructions.   Third, use “Financial Investigation to Junior High School Students” questionnaires conducting paired t-test to survey the effectiveness of the financial curriculum. Fourth, in the study, cooperative teachers and the students who attended this curriculum were interviewed as to understand their opinions about the financial curriculum integrated into the formal classes with Activity-Based instructions.   In sum, the conclusions made according to above results are as follows: 1.Students hold very positive attitude toward the financial curriculum and the context of the lessons. 2.Context of the unit “Investment Tools” and “Risk     Management and Insurances” should be modified and restructured base on level of students, the civic education textbooks of junior high school, and the limitation of time. 3.The concepts in the unit “Bank Service and Personal Credits” are not relevantly related to students’ life experience. 4.Financial literacy of those students who attended this financial curriculum is obviously raised. 5.Compare with those traditional teaching instructions, Activity-Based instructions do inspire students in learning, and improve the effectiveness of study.   According to the above conclusions, the researcher provided some suggestions on how to modify “Personal Financial Management” teaching materials, how teachers should use this teaching material in future, and to offer suggests on related research in the future.




任海珊(2013)。以繪本教學進行理財教育之行動研究 -以國小四年級為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-2406201315343400
