  • 學位論文

網路民主與公民社會 ──以2008總統大選公民提問議題為研究脈絡

Cyber Democracy and Civil Society – A Case Study of 2008 Presidential Election in Taiwan, Republic of China

指導教授 : 黃城


本研究採取內容分析法與深度訪談法,以2008年「總統大選公民提問」為議題分析對象,探討總統候選人如何利用競選廣告影響選舉新聞報導,分析公民如何經由網路提問對候選人面對面提出政策主張。本研究第一部分先經由對國民黨、民進黨兩黨競選廣告認知,探討候選人的「議題所有權」概念與「議題類型」,以及經由「功能性理論」瞭解候選人的廣告策略。透過選舉新聞分析比較,試圖瞭解新聞報導的「新聞議題」、「報導偏向」。在網路公民提問與候選人辯論部分,經由內容分析,瞭解「網路提問」是否成為公民參與的新形式,對於總統候選人的辯論影響,試圖找出其中關聯性。研究第二部分則從跨媒體議題設定進行分析,討論競選廣告、選舉新聞、網路公民提問、候選人辯論四者之間是否存在關聯性。   本研究從《中國時報》、《自由時報》、《聯合報》、《蘋果日報》等四報在候選人同意辯論的當天(2007年12月14日)開始進行分析。研究結果發現,競選廣 告部分,馬英九在表現議題與選民議題上均明顯高於謝長廷;選舉新聞部分,四報在新聞偏差情形,自由時報的報導較偏向民進黨候選人;中國時報與聯合報的報導較偏向國民黨候選人。相較之下,蘋果日報在報導數量、新聞議題、報導偏向等各項指標都較為中性。研究也發現,公民提問與候選人辯論部分,公民所關心的議題與候選人所關心的議題呈現落差。   本研究將議題變項經過因素分析加以分類,以及依議題、陣營、時間進行分類,研究發現,謝長廷與馬英九兩位候選人在部分議題上均達到顯著效果,顯示跨媒體議題設定在內容與數量上都產生了相當程度的影響。


During the 2008 ROC presidential election, 4 newspapers and 1 news agency partnered with Public Television Service’s PeoPo news platform to create the first nationally televised presidential debates where citizens interrogated the candidates via video questions posted to the Internet. As campaign weblogs or blogs became a necessary feature of election activity , the Internet actually became an important tool for political campaigning in the 2008 presidential election when more and more candidates, vying for the presidential candidates websites. The creators of these debates claimed their novel use of Internet technology “ask presidential candidate what you want to know.” This study examined the relationship between the candidate political ads and newspaper report were successful in influencing the issue and news agenda during the 2008 presidential election. Also examined the relationship between online citizen inquiry and newspaper report, and explores ownership perceptions. Data showed correlations between political ads and newspaper report. Citizen inquiry did not correlate with the candidate debates. The citizen inquiry were designed expressly to engage citizens in the campaign dialogue, and specifically to engage citizens who are frequent users of PeoPo what to ask presidential candidates face to face. Cross- lag analysis showed that the media the candidate agenda, to examine the effects of viewing the presidential debates, and particularly the debates’ influence on political advertisement, news reports and citizen inquiry.


