  • 學位論文

氛圍・意象.關懷 — 張嘉伻彩墨市集閱讀創作

Atmosphere, Images and Humanistic concern –Observation creation of colored ink painting traditional market by Chang, Chia-Peng

指導教授 : 莊連東




彩墨 市集 氛圍 角落 關懷 閱讀


Use color ink painting to show atmosphere images of traditional markets and local selling activities with humanistic concern including facial expression and body language in bargaining between the buyers and sellers, and by converting the backgrounds of time and of space of the morning markets, afternoon markets, evening markets, night markets and of other types of markets to generate atmosphere images of the markets and through artistic essential functions (thoughts, sentiments, skills) as well as through introducing to elaboration of East West practical impressionism and to philosophy of artistic creative thinking, including painting management, atmosphere or scene, colored or blank, gathering or dispersing, etc.. and through contrasts between new and old and Chinese and Western painting material utilizations to transmit innermost feelings of self-observation on various aspects of market activities. Also personally attempt to interview the sellers who seek livelihoods in the markets to know their backgrounds and aspirations and paint disadvantaged sellers in the market edge corners to make viewers, through the painting scenes, to introspect and meditate. Through a combination of poem and calligraphy in reading-text style is the entire painting management and idea, beginning from the Preface with poem to describe activity scenes as well as with symmetrical couplet (Running Script & Kai-Shu) to introduce the reality of the painting themes collocation with continuous scenes of yellowed background paintings to show the viewers who look at the yellowed background paintings just like look at yellowed photographs brought back personal recollections.


color ink painting markets atmosphere corner concern reading


何懷碩,《給未來的藝術家》,台北縣:新店市立文化事業有限公司出版, 2003年7月—2005年5月.
