  • 學位論文


The Experiences and Psychosocial Development on Students' Participation in Student Government Association---Take National “A” University for example

指導教授 : 張雪梅


本研究旨在探討我國大學生參與學生自治組織經驗及其對心理社會發展 之影響,探討究竟參與學生會的同學如何在此環境中學習,以改善學生自治 的輔導工作。本研究之問題為:一、探究參與學生會同學之參與經驗為何? 包含其對學生自治組織定位、功能及運作成效之體驗為何?二、探究參與學 生會同學對於學校對學生自治支持與輔導的體驗為何?三、瞭解參與學生會 同學其參與經驗,對個人心理社會發展的影響為何?及影響因素為何?四、 瞭解參與學生會同學對學校學生自治組織輔導工作及對未來同學參與學生會 的具體建議為何? 本研究採質性研究方法,以某國立大學學生會同學為研究對象,採立意 抽樣方式,選取九位「資料豐富的個案」作為研究參與者,透過半結構式的 深度訪談,作為主要蒐集資料的方式。研究發現如下: 一、研究參與者之全校性學生自治組織體驗為:學生會「是全校最高的學生 自治組織,與學校溝通的橋樑」、「能代表全校同學參與校務,爭取學生權 利」、「是同學的實習場所,共同學習的地方」。學生會確實有些地方與社 團不同,運作模式也有差異,其「接觸層面更大、參與同學異質性更高」、 「經費來源不同更需接受檢驗」、「參與更多公共事務,更複雜更多元」。 二、研究參與者對學校對於學生會的支持及參與校園公共事務的體驗為:「大 多數研究參與者感覺獲得學校支持」、「學校重視同學聲音」、「對學生會 的支持度很高」。學生會同學透過參與校務會議的機會,「瞭解學校政策的 制訂過程」、「推動政策改革獲得師長支持」、「參與校務要投入並事先作準 備」、「建言獲得採納很有成就感」。 三、學生會經驗對研究參與者之心理社會發展影響有七面向分別為:(一)、 能力感的發展:含「待人接物能力」、「活動規劃能力」及「多元批判能力」。 (二)、情緒管理的發展:含「理解情緒」、「克服情緒」及「情緒昇華」。 (三)、從自主走向互賴:含「獨立自主」、「學習信賴」、「肯認互賴」。 (四)、成熟人際關係的發展:含「容忍差異」、「尊重接納」、「經營關係」。 (五)、自我認同的建立:含「找尋自我」、「自我接納」、「反思成長」。(六)、 目標的發展:含「發現方向」、「方向體認」、「確認方向」等發展。(七)、整 合的發展:含「利人利己的平衡」、「注重言行一致」、「服務他人、改善環境」。 歸納本研究有四個主要因素,對研究參與者之心理社會發展產生影響: 一、辦理全校性活動有更複雜更多元的磨練。二、學生會幹事會與議會同儕 間相互激盪影響。三、參與校園公共事務是不同於社團的學習。四、持續投 入、開放心胸、勇於承擔是個人成長關鍵。 研究參與者對學校的建言:(一)適當介入、協助傳承。(二)建立制 度、教育訓練。(三)政策說明、資訊公開。(四)有效引導、適度輔導。 (五)擴大規模、信任放手。 研究參與者對參加學生會同學的建言:(一)要投入、能吃苦。(二) 抱著學習的心、放下成見。(三)拿出勇氣,嘗試不一樣的舞台。(四)先進 幹事會,再到議會學習。(五)不傷和氣,不放棄希望。 本研究根據研究發現,針對主管教育行政機關、研究學校、學務人員、 學生會,及對後續研究提出建議。


The Experiences and Psychosocial Development on Students' Participation in Student Government Association---Take National “A” University for example The objective of this survey is to investigate the experiences and psychosocial development on students' participation in Student Government Association (SGA); in addition, discover the way of learning under this circumstance in order to improve student government association’s counseling work. The study questions included: 1. How about the participation experiences on SGA students? Include his (her) experiences on autonomous organization’s positioning, function and operational effects. 2.What’s the experiences of SGA students on school faculty’s support and counseling 3. To understand how the experiences in SGA influence individual psychosocial performance. What are the influencing factors? 4. To understand students’ future inclination on SGA and their specific suggestions to SGA. This survey conducted by using qualitative methods, take National “A” university for examples. By purposive sampling method, take 9 students as the survey participants, through semi-structured in-depth interviews to collect relevant data. The survey findings as below: 1. The experiences of the survey participants in school-wide SGA are included: SGA is the highest autonomous organization, it functions as a communication bridge within school faculty and students, it can represent whole students in participating school affairs, fight for the relevant rights for students. Moreover, it is also a place for practical learning and co-learning. SGA is indeed a different association compared to others, its operational pattern is also different from others. For example, it brings bigger exposure level, it embraces higher heterogeneous students, it has tight financial resources audit, and it participates in more multiple and complex public affairs. 2. The feeling of the survey participants on school support and public affairs involvement are included as below: “Most survey participants feel supported by the school faculty”, “school faculty respect their sounds”, “school faculty has a high support on SGA.” Through participate in the school affairs, the SGA students “gain the chance to understand the policy setting process”, “gain supports from the teachers on the process of policy legislation”, “well-prepared before devoted into the school affairs” ,and “high achievement on the accepted suggestion to school faculty”. 3. The influences on the psychosocial development on SGA students are included in 7 areas: i. Developing competence: included “interpersonal ability”, “activity planning ability”, and “multi-judgments ability” ii. Managing emotion: included “understanding emotion”, “overcoming emotion”, and “sublimation emotion”. iii. Moving through autonomy toward interdepedence: included “independent”, “trust learning”, and “mutual trust affirmation”. iv. Developing muture interpersonal relationships: included “ tolerance on differences”, “respect and acceptance” and “relationship maintenance” v. Establishing identity: included “self finding”, “self acceptance” and “self examination”. vi. Developing purpose: included “direction finding”, “direction realizing” and “direction confirming”. vii. Developing integrity: included “beneficial to the balance”, “Practice what they preach” and “service to others, improve the environment”. To conclude the 4 main factors found in the survey, the influences on the survey participants are: i. Through organizing more complex and multiple school-wide activities can gain more endurance. ii. Parliament and secretary can arouse peer influences iii. Participating in school public affairs is totally a different association learning experiences. iv. Continuous devotion, open-minded, responsible is the key to individual growth. The specific suggestions from the survey participants to school party are included: i. Appropriate intervening and assisting in experiences accumulation. ii. Policy building and educational training. iii. Policy statement and opened information. iv. Effective guidance, appropriate counseling. v. Enlarging the SGA size, trust endowment. The specific suggestions from survey participants to SGA are included: i. Be devoted, be well-prepared to take challenges. ii. Put down the prejudice, cherish the learning opportunities. iii. Take out the courage, dare to try. iv. Participate in secretary before devote oneself into parliament v. Be peace and embrace hopes. This survey has concluded the above findings; hope can function as the reference to the relevant education administration authority, research school, student affairs staff, and Student Government Association.


