  • 學位論文

二十世紀初期安徒生故事中文翻譯—— 以文學研究會主要刊物《小說月報》、《婦女雜誌》、《文學週報》為研究範圍

Chinese Translations of H. C. Andersen’s Stories in the Early Twentieth Century: Based on the Main Publications of the Society of Literary Research, The Short Story Magazine, Women’s Magazine and Weekly Literature

指導教授 : 鄭怡庭


安徒生是兒童文學界的大師,寫出〈醜小鴨〉、〈拇指公主〉、〈賣火柴的小女孩〉等許多深得人心的故事,筆者設想安徒生故事中文翻譯起初傳入中國的光景,是否也同樣地吸引讀者想要靠近。本研究先簡述二十世紀二○年代人數最多的民間文學社團文學研究會成立始末,追求「藝術為人生」的實際改革社會目標,說明文學研究會和商務印書館底下老牌刊物《小說月報》的關係。文學研究會以介紹安徒生或安徒生故事的中文文章確立安徒生的定位,接下來回溯一開始安徒生故事傳入中國的歷史和翻譯的篇章,研究重點是1925年主要由文學研究會主導下首波安徒生故事中文翻譯熱潮。 中國第一次大規模系統性地翻譯安徒生故事正是刊登於文學研究會主編的刊物——《小說月報》、《文學週報》,雖然《婦女雜誌》和文學研究會沒有直接的關係,但是《婦女雜誌》和《小說月報》同為商務印書館的刊物,在《婦女雜誌》上刊登的安徒生故事中文翻譯又多是文學研究會成員的譯作,因此筆者歸納進文學研究會主導之下的翻譯作品。本研究將以此三本刊物為主要研究範圍,探討背後主要編輯群——文學研究會主導之下安徒生故事中文翻譯的樣貌,找出文學研究會意圖介紹科學新知給中國社會、安徒生對中國的想像以及文學研究會譯者如何處理外國作家看待中國的刻板印象、翻譯安徒生故事數量最多的趙景深譯文的特色,最後比較最初期和這時期的翻譯差異。總結中國第一波安徒生故事中文翻譯高峰,文學研究會由安徒生故事一步步實踐成立的目標,帶給中國多元豐富的安徒生故事中文翻譯。


H. C. Andersen is the master in children’s literary, who wrote lots of famous stories. I would like to know what Chinese translations of Andersen’s stories were like to be at the first sight. My thesis begins with history of the Society of Literary Research and its pursuits ‘Art for life sake’. It is in order to establish Andersen’s position from thesis in Chinese version which introduced Andersen and his stories. Thereafter, I grab the attention at the first upsurge of Chinese translations of Andersen’s stories in 1925, which was conducted by the Society of Literary Research, whereby I trace back the articles about the histories and translations of Andersen’s stories coming to China. It was the first large-scale systematic translations of Andersen’s stories in China. It was precisely published at the Short Story Magazine, Women’s Magazine and Weekly Literature, which were edited by the Society of Literary Research. At this article, these three publications are listed as primary research scope. Besides, I would like to know what the Society of Literary Research tended to introduce the science awakening to Chinese society, what Andersen figured about China, how the translators who belonged to the Society of Literary Research dealt with the stereotype of China, and the characteristics of the Zhao Jingshen(趙景深)’s translations, who had the most Chinese translations of Andersen’s stories. Eventually, I compare the difference of translations between incunabulum and now. In conclusion, I summarize the first upsurge of Chinese translations of Andersen’s stories in China, and research the historical value of the Society of Literary Research.


