  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 杞昭安


本研究旨在探討北部地區特殊教育學校國中部學生家庭獲得家庭支持服務的現況及對於服務項目之滿意度情形,並探討不同背景變項是否在服務的滿意度上有所差異。研究者以自編「特殊教育學校學生家庭獲得家庭支持服務之現況與滿意度調查問卷」調查台灣北部地區特殊教育學校之國中部學生家庭,共發出問卷275份,回收有效問卷為194份,可用回收率為70.5%。所蒐集資料以描述性統計及效果值進行處理與分析,其研究結果分述如下: 一、家庭支持服務的獲得現況以經濟支持獲得最多,其次依序為精神支持、專業服務支持、資訊支持,最少則為生涯規劃支持。 二、家庭支持服務的滿意度以經濟支持滿意度最高,其次依序為精神支持、專業服務支持、資訊支持,而滿意度最低則為生涯規劃支持。 三、家庭支持服務獲得現況與對於服務滿意度的比較中,僅在「學校有提供孩子所需的社會福利,如:申請臨托、居家照顧獲獎助金補助等之相關訊息與規定給您」具有少量的顯著差異,其餘各項服務則無顯著差異。 四、家庭對於支持服務的滿意度會因學生就讀年級、家中排行、障礙程度、家庭所在地區、主要照顧者、問卷填答者、家庭平均月收入及家中子女數的不同,而產生顯著差異。 根據上述研究結果提供相關建議,以做為行政單位、學校單位及未來研究之參考。


The Study of the Family of Special Education Students to Family Support Services at Status and Satisfaction Liu, Chih-Ning Abstract The study explores the family of special education students and their satisfaction of Family Support Service in the junior high schools in North Taiwan. It also examines whether different backgrounds of these family influence the satisfaction toward Family Support Service. Using the “Investigative Questionnaires for The Family of Special Education Students obtains status and satisfaction toward Family Support Services” was designed by this researcher. A total of 275 questionnaires were handed out and 194 valid questionnaires were retrieved and collected so that the effective returns-ratio was 70.5%. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and effect size, and the major conclusions are drawn as follows: 1. Financial support was what the families gained most from Family Support Services, followed by professional services and information. The service obtained the least was career planning 2. The families of special education students were most satisfied with Family Support Services’ financial support, followed by professional service and information supply. The service with the lowest degree of satisfaction was career planning. 3. The comparison between the current obtainment of the Family Support Services and the degree of satisfaction toward Family Support Services were merely make few remarkable differences on “the schools which provided the social welfares for satisfying children’s needs such as application of request nurtures and the conveyance of relative messages and regulations of application of home care grant subsidies”, and the other services make no obvious differences. 4. The families of special education students and their degree of satisfaction toward Family Support Services varies by the student’s grades, birth order, degree of severity of disabilities, family area, main caretakers, respondents, average monthly household incomes and number of the family. The study proposes some suggestions according to the research findings and conclusion so that it provides as references to administrative units, school units and further study in the future.




