  • 學位論文

企業員工內外控人格傾向、學習動機與其同步教學偏好之研究 -以參與H補教業者英語同步教學課程之學員為例

The Relationship between the Synchronous Learning Preference and the Employees’ Locus of Control as well as the Learning Motivation –A Case Study of the Trainees Joining Synchronous English Classes Provided by H Cram School

指導教授 : 朱益賢


隨著寬頻網路的推動、資訊科技的發達以及彈性學習需求的增加,具互動性高的同步教學則已成為學習發展的重要趨勢之一,但同步教學屬於剛起步的階段,應用於企業教育訓練相關的研究仍屬罕見。因此,本研究先探討影響企業推動同步教學的因素及阻礙企業推動同步教學模式的因素,再進一步分析在職學員之個人背景、內外控人格及學習動機強弱程度對其同步教學偏好的影響。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究對象選擇參與H補教業者英語同步教學課程之在職學員(含兼職學員),且必須上過此英語同步教學課程至少8堂課(每堂50分鐘)以上,並透過「影響企業員工同步教學偏好因素調查問卷」來取得相關數據資料,再依研究目的進行獨立性卡方檢定,以彙整出以下五點研究結論,包括: 一、影響企業推動同步教學的因素-組織規模、主管主持、組織支持、學習者人數、學習者動機、學習者特性、課程類型、成本、企業的網路基礎建設。 二、企業推動同步教學的阻礙有四構面-設備、成本、辦訓單位及學習者,其中又以辦訓單位及學習者影響最大。 三、工作地點位於北區(基北桃竹)以內的學習者偏好傳統教學,北區以外的學習者偏好同步教學。 四、內控人格傾向學習者偏好同步教學,外控人格傾向學習者偏好傳統教學。 五、在學習動機中,「求知樂趣」或「自我實現」動機較高的學習者偏好同步教學。 最後,本研究根據以上結論,提出幾點實務上的建議: 一、對企業辦訓者的建議:(1)當外地與本地學習者皆需與本地講師進行學習時,本地的學習者採用傳統教學,外地的學習者採用同步教學,若只有一位講師,則辦訓時間要錯開。(2)篩選出內、外控人格傾向的學習者,並安排內控人格傾向學習者參與同步教學,外控人格傾向學習者參與傳統教學。(3)區分出在學習動機中,求知樂趣或自我實現動機較高的學習者,並為其安排同步教學,而此兩類學習動機較低的學習者則安排傳統教學。 二、對補教業者的建議:依照本研究提供的「參與同步教學模式自我評估表」給第一次參與同步教學課程的學習者填寫,補教業者可瞭解學習者在參與同步教學模式前的準備度是否已經足夠,並給予額外課程安排。 三、對未來研究的建議可探討:(1)科技接受度、資訊基本能力與同步教學偏好之間的關係。(2)同步教學如何平衡工作與樂活。(3)課程類別與同步教學偏好之間的關係。(4)學習者部門類別與同步教學偏好之間的關係。


Because of the promotion of the broadband network, the advances in information technology, and the demand for flexible learning, synchronous instruction which features high interactivity has become one of the important trends in the learning development field. But the researches related to the education and training program in companies are still rare. This study reviewed much literature about the promotions and obstructions of the online learning in companies and also compared with the features of synchronous instruction to conclude the promotions and obstructions of the synchronous instruction in companies. This study, furthermore, investigated whether the trainees’ personal background, locus of control, and the learning motivation would influence their learning preferences. To accomplish the above-mentioned objections, this study selected those trainees who joined the synchronous English classes for 8 hours at least in H online cram school. This study collected research data through this study questionnaire and aimed to analyze the data by chi-square test and reached 5 conclusions shown as below: 1.The influential factors in the promotion of companies’ synchronous instruction, including: the size of the organization, supervisor support, organization support, the number of trainees, the learning motivation of the trainees, the trainees’ traits, the contents of courses, the cost, and the enterprise network infrastructure. 2.The 4 impeding dimensions to companies’ synchronous instruction: the equipment, the cost, the training units, and the trainees, especially the last two dimensions. 3.The trainees who work in the north area (Keelong, Taipei, Taoyuan, and Hsinchu) prefer the traditional instruction, while the trainees of the other area prefer the synchronous instruction. 4.The trainees with an internal control prefer the synchronous instruction, while the trainees with an external control prefer the traditional instruction. 5.The trainees with high learning motivation in achieving cognitive interest or self-actualization prefer the synchronous instruction. Finally, this study proposed a few suggestions for the training practice and the future research: 1.Suggestions for the company training unit: (1)When the instructor at the parent company need to train the trainees who work at different places, the traditional instruction suits the trainees who work at the parent company, while the synchronous instruction suits the trainees who works at the subsidiary. If there is only one instructor, then the training program for those trainees who work at different places cannot be arranged at the same time. (2)The training program should be arranged based on the trainees’ locus of control. The trainees with an internal control should be arranged to join the synchronous instruction program, while those with an external control should be arranged to join the traditional instruction program. (3)The training program should be arranged based on the trainees’ learning motivation which is cognitive interest or self-actualization.The synchronous instruction program should be arranged for the trainees with high learning motivation in achieving cognitive interest or self-actualization, while the traditional instruction program should be arranged for the trainees with low learning motivation in achieving these two kinds. 2.Suggestions for the cram schools: Use the “ self-assessment scale for joining the synchronous instruction model” to understand whether the trainees’ readiness for the synchronous instruction model is enough. Then the cram schools can provide the extra learning plan if the trainee needs. 3.Suggestions for the future research: (1)The relationship between technology acceptance or information basic capability and the learning preference for the synchronous instruction should be explored. (2)How could the synchronous instruction balance work and life? (3)The relationship between the different course and the trainees’ synchronous learning preferences should be investigated. (4)The relationship between the trainees’ departments and their synchronous learning preference should be investigated.


劉仲矩、覃玉如(2008)。阻礙企業員工參與數位學習原因與激勵方式之研究。Electronic Commerce Studies,6(2),207-227。


