  • 學位論文


Influence of India and Pakistan Terrorist Activities in South Asia Security: Observation Based on 2008 Mumbai Attack

指導教授 : 王冠雄


本研究以2008年印度孟買恐怖攻擊事件做為觀察基礎,藉以說明恐怖攻擊與印巴衝突之關係。全文力求探究「在印巴衝突與恐怖主義活動發展的脈絡之下,對於南亞地區安全的影響為何?」這項問題。研究中使用四種研究方法,其分別為文獻回顧法、歷史研究法、個案分析法與歸納研究法。 本研究之目的,在於就下列各項內容進行整合性探討: 一、在歷史上印巴衝突的歸因與內涵;二、印巴衝突對於南亞區域安全的影響;三、印巴恐怖主義發展對於南亞地區安全之影響;四、舉例重大恐怖攻擊事件對於印巴兩國關係之影響;五、印巴兩國與國際間對於恐怖主義的實際作為。 本研究發現包含以下三點: 一、解決經濟、社會與政治發展不均的問題同屬印巴兩國當務之急,且以喀什米爾地區為首要區域。二、在反恐行動上,印巴兩國皆須在「內力」與「外力」上做出更大的努力。三、透過國際間(國際組織)施加壓力,以促進印巴關係和平發展與南亞地區的安全穩定。


In this study, 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack is the observation basis in order to explain the relation that between terrorist attacks and India-Pakistan conflict. All contents strive to explore "What are the impacts in the context of India-Pakistan conflict and terrorism development to the South Asia regional security?" This study used four research methods, they were literature review method, historical research methods, case study analysis and induction method. Purpose of this study is integrated exploring on the following items : First, the India-Pakistan conflict attributions and meanings under history development; Second, the impacts of India-Pakistan conflict’s to the South Asian regional security; Third, the impacts of India-Pakistan terrorist development to South Asia regional security; Fourth, making example about major terrorist attack, exploring the impacts of India-Pakistan relation; Fifth, India, Pakistan and international actions to the terrorism. This study found the following three points: First, solving the economic, social and political problem of uneven development in India and Pakistan are both urgent. Kashmir is the priority region. Second, India and Pakistan must to make greater effort to "inner force" and "external force" on anti-terrorism actions. Third, using the international powers (international organizations) to exert pressure in order to promote peaceful development between India and Pakistan, and the South Asia regional security stability as well.


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