  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 沈慶盈


本研究旨在探討失能老人家庭主要照顧者壓力、韌力及幸福感之關係,並檢驗照顧者韌力對壓力與幸福感之調節情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,採便利取樣方式,以台北市、新北市、南投縣家庭照顧者協會之成員、某醫療院所志願服務工作者為研究對象,共240名。問卷內容共分為壓力源量表、牛津幸福感量表、韌力量表(CD-RISC)、及主要照顧者背景資料四部分。所蒐集之資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson's r、階層迴歸、調節迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析。 本研究發現:主要照顧者的整體照顧壓力屬中度,其中又以作息限制產生的壓力最多;其次,主要照顧者在四個韌力層面的展現皆為正向且中度偏高;最後在幸福感部分,主要照顧者每日提供照顧的時間和服務項目越少、整體壓力越低、韌力越高者,其幸福感越高;此外,大台北地區主要照顧者的幸福感高於南投地區。 至於韌力對壓力與幸福感的調節結果如下: 一、主要照顧者整體韌力未能調節整體壓力對幸福感之負向效果。 二、在高壓力狀況下,主要照顧者『壓力承受』韌力能有效調節『負荷感受』壓 力、『作息限制』壓力、『家庭衝擊』壓力、『支持缺乏』壓力、『知識缺 乏』壓力對幸福感之負向效果,並具有正向調節功能。在低壓力狀況下,韌 力則不具調節作用。 本研究最後根據研究結果對政策面、實務層面及未來研究提出建議,期使主要照顧者能有效降低壓力並提升幸福感受。


The purpose of this study was to probe into the relations between care stressors, resilience and well-being of the major caregiver in a family with disabled elders; and to examine the moderating effects of resilience of care stressors and well-being on the major caregiver. Questionnaire investigation was adopted, and the sample in this study consisted of 240 major caregivers who come from Family Caregivers Association in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Nantou County, and volunteers of one medical institution. The questionnaire contents were divided into four parts: Stressor Scale, Oxford Happiness Inventory, CD-RISC, and the basic information of the caregivers with disabled elders. The collected data was analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression. This research discovered that, first of all, the overall care stress of major caregiver is in mid-level, in which the stress resulted from living restraint is the most; second, the behavior on four resilience levels of major caregiver is positive, between mid-level and high-level; last, on the well-being part, major caregiver gained more well-beings when he/she offered less caring time, less service types, had lower overall stress, and higher resilience. Furthermore, the variables of caregiver’s residence and the care receiver’s disability did influence the caregivers’ feelings over well-being significantly. As for the results of the moderating effects of resilience of care stressors and well-being on the major caregiver are shown as following: 1、The overall resilience didn’t moderate the negative effects of well-being caused from overall stress. 2、Under the circumstances of high stress, the “tolerance of stress” resilience of major caregivers is effective on moderating the negative effects on well-being, which caused by “the felling of burden” stress, “living restraint” stress, “conflicts between family members” stress, “shortage of social support” stress, “shortage of knowledge of care skill” stress; and has the positive moderating function. On the other hand, under the low stress circumstances, resilience did not have any moderating function. Finally, this research brought up some advices in connection with policy and practice field based on the research outcomes, expecting the major caregiver could effectively reduce stress whilst increase the feeling of well-being.




