  • 學位論文


A Study on the Participation Motivation Social Support and Competition Performance of Elementary School Tug of War Athletes

指導教授 : 程瑞福


在教育部推動多元校園活動中,八人制拔河運動是校園體育政策中最支持的團隊運動項目之一。而學校體育為整體教育中最重要的一環,是養成學生健全發展的重要過程。其中,選手在參與及持續於運動校隊的因素中,選手的參與動機與社會支持扮演著關鍵性的影響因素。故本研究目的在於瞭解國小八人制拔河選手的組成現況,並探討選手參與動機、社會支持與運動成績表現之相關情形。 本研究以獲得100年全國體委盃拔河錦標賽前六名之國小學童為研究對象,共發放問卷270份,實得有效樣本為264份,回收有效率為97%。本研究將有效問卷以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析進行資料處理與分析。研究結果發現如下:一、在獲得前六名的隊伍中,以女生與六年級的選手居多,選手參與拔河年資以一年以上的為多數,每週練習天數平均達四天以上,每次練習為1~2小時。二、選手參與動機以技術需求得分最高,其次依序為健康適能、成就需求及社會需求。三、選手性別、每週練習天數、每次練習時間與參與動機呈顯著差異。四、選手的社會支持以教練支持得分最高,其次依序為隊友支持、導師支持及家人支持。五、選手的拔河年資、每次練習時間、運動成績表現與社會支持呈顯著差異。六、參與動機與社會支持呈顯著正相關,代表選手參與動機愈高,社會支持也就愈高。其中,在參與動機構面之技術需求,與社會支持構面之隊友支持及教練支持呈高顯著相關。七、當選手在參與動機構面中的技術需求及成就需求愈強烈時,其運動成績表現則就愈好。八、選手在社會支持構面中獲得愈多的導師與教練支持,其運動成績表現也會愈優異。


Among the pluralized campus activities promoted by the ministry of education, tug of war is one of the most supported team sports in the policy of on-campus physical education. What’s more, campus physical education, being one of the most important parts of overall education, is a crucial process in promoting the development of students. It is found that among the factors affecting the participation and persistent attendance of athletes in the school teams, the participation motivation and social support for athletes played a critical role. Therefore, this research aims at understanding the current situations of the population of elementary tug of war athletes, and discussing the related situations of the participation motivation of athletes, social support and competition performance. The research targeted on the top six contestants in the 2011 National SAC (Sports Affairs Council) Cup elementary school tug of war competition, done by questionnaire survey. 264 valid completed questionnaires were returned out of 270 questionnaires dispatched (97%). The valid completed questionnaires were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. The results were as follows: First, in the top six teams, most athletes were female and sixth graders; the athletes having participated in tug of war over a year were in majority; on average, the athletes practice tug of war over four days per week and 1 to 2 hours per time. Second, in the participation motivations of athletes, requirement for techniques scored the highest, and the following were healthy fitness, requirement for achievements and social requirements. Third, the participation motivations under different variables, including the gender of athletes, practicing days per week and practicing duration per time, showed significant difference. Fourth, in the various social supports for athletes, support for the coaches scores highest, followed by support from teammates, support from home-class teachers and support from family. Fifth, social supports under different variables, including years of tug of war experience, practicing duration per time and performance, showed significant difference. Sixth, the participation motivation is positively correlated with social support, indicating that the more motivated the athletes were, the more social support they would get. What’s more, in the aspect of participation motivation, requirement for techniques is significantly related with support from teammates and coaches in the aspect of social support. Seventh, in the aspect of participation motivation, when the athletes had stronger requirement for techniques and achievements, they would have better performance. Eighth, in the aspect of social support, when the athletes got more support from their home-class teachers and coaches, they would have better performance.


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