  • 學位論文


The Study of Maxxis' Corporate Sponsorship on Sports

指導教授 : 程紹同




The success of 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics sets a role model for corporate sponsorship, and causes a fad in corporate marketing. This trend gradually spreads out to Taiwan domestic industries; therefore, they follow in the footsteps and start their corporate sponsorship on sports. Taiwan’s domestic industries, such as ACER, GIANT, and MAXXIS, become well-known by sponsoring globally-known sports events. This study targeted Maxxis, and explored its current corporate sponsorship, decision management, and benefits gained by interviewing Maxxis’ general manager and the assistant general manager from sales marketing department. Maxxis sponsors a variety of sports, but mainly sponsors car-racing. The motives of its corporate sponsorship are building or enhancing brand image, reaching target crowds, increasing media exposure, uplifting brand awareness, and devoted to the society. The factors concerning Maxxis’ corporate sponsorship are the match for its corporate developing strategies, budgets, media exposure, product relativity, the preference of target audience, the image of the sport property, and the interaction with Maxxis. The decision maker is the general manager, and sales marketing department is in charge of the whole sponsoring process. The benefits from sponsorship are achieving the goal of corporate marketing, media benefits, brand image benefits, reaching target crowds, and improving products to raise quality. The impact of sponsorship is examined with tracking assessment and media exposure assessment, targeting strategic partners, dealers, and consumers. These findings are expected to provide reference for related organizations and industries with this case analysis of successful corporate sponsorship on sports, accomplishing the combination of business and sports, creating a win-win situation.


Sport sponsorship decision management Maxxis


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