  • 學位論文


An Analysis on the Strategy of TV Commercial Promoting Local Characteristics

指導教授 : 吳祖銘


電視廣告的影像組成包括商品資訊及其他符號元素,這些元素的取材來自於社會文化。廣告藉由創意的發想與展現,而將圖文、影音等符號組成訊息,透過敘事而在受眾的知覺中形成意象,對一般商品廣告或品牌產生認知、態度的過程裡,以地方文化特色為製作背景題材的廣告,亦可能使受眾建立地方意象。因此,商品電視廣告使地方特色得以推廣的現象、以及廣告內容結合地方文化特色的思考策略,為本研究欲瞭解的重點。 在文獻探討部分,本研究從廣告策略與創意相關理論,得知行銷策略及創意發想在廣告製作上的重要性,並藉著文化產業、地方行銷及台灣地方文化產業現況的探討,將能夠瞭解地方文化特色之背景與其推廣的必要,進而討論地方以影視作品、媒體做為一行銷管道的當前趨勢。依據文獻探討結果,本研究首先以內容分析法針對50則呈現地方文化特色之商品電視廣告進行分析,從廣告表現型式、敘事觀點以及影像當中呈現的人物、景物、文化行為,探討廣告內含的地方文化元素、並依廣告特性劃分出四種不同的廣告案例表現型態;接著自各類型中挑選廣告案例進行文本分析,由毗臨軸的組成以探討廣告符碼隱含、題材選用與商品的相關性、敘事創意造成的衝擊性、及廣告為商品帶來的社會附加價值,並試圖解讀廣告中的地方文化特色意涵。最後透過深度訪談法,徵詢廣告界與文化界人士,瞭解廣告以地方特色為題材之切入觀點,且探究商品電視廣告對地方之影響性。 研究發現,電視廣告會因不斷露出及其敘事方式,使受眾對廣告中包括商品在內的任何事物留下程度不等的印象,而商品電視廣告中包含地方特色的社會符號,便可能形成地方意象。在廣告題材選擇方面,廣告最主要依商品的類型、特色及屬性,考量目標消費者型態而選擇創作題材,因此便可能以貼近消費者生活的地方文化特色做為廣告背景架構;由於商品電視廣告以銷售商品為主,地方文化特色的呈現與推廣乃是附加效果,但可視為地方行銷的潛在力量。廣告主與地方方面,於廣告製作上存在著合作的空間,廣告對地方的影響需仰賴創意展現;另外,電視廣告影片亦可透過網路的新媒體呈現,延伸其影像內容傳播的廣度。然而廣告為了突顯商品,亦可能扭曲背景地方特色,此為商品電視廣告選擇以地方文化特色為背景題材時,必須善加考量及改善之重點。


The composition of TV commercial included information of product and other elements, these elements derived from culture. Advertising included of symbols, like graphic, audio and video, it’s compose of messages and showing by advertising creativity. The messages communicated to audiences by the way of narrative, will make image in audience's perception, and then constituted the advertising attitude and brand awareness. In the process, the local cultural features of the background themes for TV commercial, can also established place image. Therefore, the phenomenon for TV commercial promoted local characteristics and the strategy of TV commercial link up with local cultural features was the focus of this study. In literature review, from the theories of advertising strategy and creativity to understand the importance of marketing strategy and creativity generation on advertising production, and through the discussion of the cultural industries, place marketing and the status of local cultural industries in Taiwan, be able to understand the local culture and it’s necessary for promoted in a place, and to discuss the trends of film-induced tourism. Through the analysis of presented case for the 50 TV commercials included local cultural elements by the method of content analysis, according to the distribution of commercial film, narrative type, and the images of film which show about the characters, scenery, behavior et.al, to explore the elements of local culture at TV commercials, and divided four kind of different expression patterns according to the features of case for TV commercials. Then selected the case to carry out textual analysis from various expression patterns, investigate the connotational meaning of TV commercials by the combination of the syntagms, the relevant of products with advertising material, the impact of TV commercials and social value added for products, to interpret the other meaning about local characteristics at TV commercials. Finally, used the in-depth interview method to interview with this field who about advertising and cultural, tried to understand the consideration of TV commercial which it selected local characteristics as a theme, and the influence on location. Through the results, the audience may made some impressions of anythings in advertising because its reveal unceasingly and the narrative style of advertising. The TV commercial would be formed local image as a result of it included the social symbols about of local characteristics. In the subject of advertising material, must consider the target according to the product attribute, and therefore the local characteristics they close to cunsumers’ lives may become the construction background of TV commercial. The main purpose of TV commercial is promoted the product, to spread local characteristics but the additional effect. Horever, the TV commercial can be regarded as the potential mode of place marketing. In another word, the advertising production has the scope for cooperation between advertiser and locals, the influence on location depand on creativity. In addition, the commercial films can be presented through network or other interactive media to extend the breadth of video content. But some of TV commercials may distort the local cultural features in film because it’s need to emphasize the product, this is the focus of consideration and improve when advertising production stage.


