  • 學位論文


The Spatial Distribution of the Bus Companies in Taipei City

指導教授 : 洪致文




The bus system of Taipei is the earlist development of bus transportation in Taiwan. The current Taipei Bus Union system is composited by 14 companies. Each company has its principal operating area. This study uses weighted statistics of bus schedules to present the Taipei Bus Union companies route distribution in the form of maps at 1977, 1998 and 2011. By using ArcGIS database, it indicates that the densest route schedules to be located at the primary roads of Taipei City or assembly terminals where buses enter Taipei City from New Taipei City. However, the right of bus routes is controled by the government. The fastest way for each bus company to expand its operating area is to merge or acquire other companies into a bus group. Therefore, the bus groups formed. This study examined the route distribution of Capital Bus Group and Chung-shing Bus Group. The result of spatial analysis shows that the new route distribution of these bus groups is able to complement by different companies in group. The principal operating area is no longer evident as a single bus company in the bus groups which changed the spatial distribution of current bus network and expand operating area to earn more profits.


臺北市政府交通局 (1996~2011) 臺北市交通統計年報,臺北:臺北市政府
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