  • 學位論文


Kinematical Analysis of Badminton Forehand and Backhand Serves by Taiwan Collegiate Male Players

指導教授 : 蔡虔祿


羽球發球屬於羽球基本的擊球技術之一,通常分為正拍與反拍發球。從2006年的羽球規則改為每球得分制後,發球技術的優劣就變得更為重要。因此瞭解這兩種發球在比賽時各有何種利益與特點,如何將它們的優點應用在比賽中,值得我們以生物力學的角度與方法來分析。本研究以八名大專男子甲組羽球選手為對象,主要目的為分析大專男子甲組羽球選手實施正拍、反拍發球動作與不同發球落點的運動學參數上的差異。本實驗使用10部Vicon MX-13+ system紅外線攝影機(250Hz)進行正拍與反拍不同發球技術的拍攝,擷取受試者的運動學訊號,經由Nexus 1.4軟體系統算出運動學參數,將所得數據透過SPSS 18.0版統計套裝軟體,以無母數弗里曼二因子變異數分析,來考驗正、反拍三種不同球路運動學參數差異情形,並以Excel軟體進行事後比較的計算,顯著水準定為α = .05。依據本研究結果發現單打正拍的發球主要是結合腕部的尺屈及屈曲的動作;單、雙打反拍發球動作則主要是由腕關節的尺屈動作所完成。而在發不同球路上,正拍發球在發短發球時前臂有旋外的動作,但在發平快與高遠球時則有旋內的動作產生。反拍發球在發平快球時有較大的肘關節伸展角速度,在發高遠球時則有較大的前臂旋外角速度產生。而由於反拍發球已成為比賽時的大多數所使用的技術,為了能提高發球的變化與發球的品質,選手對於腕部的訓練可以多加強尺屈方向的訓練。本研究建議羽球選手們能增加反拍發球的練習,並加強上肢各肌肉的訓練,配合不同球路的練習以提升發球的表現。


生物力學 短發球 平球 高遠球


Serve is one of the basic techniques in badminton game. There are two main badminton serves, the forehand and the backhand. The purpose of this study was to explore the kinematical variations in the different paths (low, flat and clear serves) of the forehand and backhand serves while the players were performed both of forehand, backhand serves in central court and backhand serves in front court. Eight male collegiate level one badminton players in Taiwan were recruited as the participants. The 3D kinematical data of dominated upper limbs were recorded by 10 Vicon MX-13+ system infrared high speed digital cameras (250Hz) and computed by Nexus 1.4 system software. The Friedman two-way variance analysis of nonparametric statistical test was used to test among three different standing spots and different path serves. The statistical analysis was calculated by SPSS 18.0 and the post-hoc comparison were calculated by the Excel software, the significant levels was at α = .05. The results showed that the fastest angular velocity in upper limbs of the backhand serve occurred on the elbow extension and ulnar flexion. In forehand serve, it occurred on the ulnar flexion and the wrist flexion. Among different paths of forehand serving, there was a supination movement in low serve that there was pronation in flat and clear serves. There was a fastest elbow extension angular velocity in backhand flat serve while there was a greatest supination velocity in clear serve. The backhand serve is more popular now. Training on the wrist ulnar movement will be one of the efficient methods to increase the performance of the serves. As on the results of this study, we recommend that the players should used the backhand serves in the badminton games.


Biomechanics low serve flat serve clear serve


作之三度空間生物力學分析。中華民國體育學會體育學報 22,
