  • 學位論文


A Study and Creation of Luxury Styling Design of Portable Storage Electronic Devices- The Case of Flash Drive

指導教授 : 梁桂嘉


隨著科技時代的來臨,數位資料的傳遞及攜帶性也備受重視,而可攜式的儲存裝置也由早期低容量的磁碟片進化到高容量的微型隨身碟。然而因為製造技術的成熟及大眾消費力的提升,造成產品生命週期逐漸縮短,且功能性差異也已經無法滿足消費者的需求,消費者開始注意到個人風格及獨特性,甚至是身份地位的表現。精品講究精緻奢華的質感、獨特性及設計感,也代表著與眾不同的品味,是時尚風格與身份地位的象徵。將其應用於隨身碟外觀設計上,期望創造出超越同類產品的質感與價值,也能呈現出差異化的風貌,並滿足消費者的需求,藉此改變市場定位中,原本屬於低階領域的隨身碟走向高階領域,成為一種時尚精品。並可提供開發廠商更多元化的方向及產品創新價值的可能性,達到消費者與廠商雙贏的局面。 根據文獻對精品的描述,將利用這些原則蒐集相關產品進行分析整理,以個案研究探討精品產業的配飾類產品做為樣本參考,企圖從目前市場前幾大的知名品牌中,分析其精品的品牌理念、產品意象與造形要素的形態、質感及色彩的設計手法,進而提出影響元素作為創作研究之依據,最後整理與歸納出以下重點:1.質感為提升產品精品化的主要因素:精品在材質或質感的表現非常講究,大多採昂貴金屬材質或一般金屬做表面加工處理,以提升產品質感;廣泛使用不同材質混搭應用,例如木材及皮革,增加質感與觸感,應用珠寶表現出炫麗奢華的精緻質感、2.品牌識別價值對精品的重要性:消費者認同其品牌的精神及精緻工藝,使用知名品牌,將是代表個人的身份地位的一種表現與提升、3.普及化對精品的影響:隨著技術的進步,很多珍貴材料的替代品被陸續開發,使消費者能以更親切的價格來享受精品,強調的是一種奢華體驗。


精品 隨身碟 質感


Since the beginning of the digital technology time, delivering and using information has become an indispensable part of the urban people’s life. However the manufacturing technology matures and the enhancement of public consuming capacity, the functional differences of product have been unable to meet customers’ demand. Consumer began to notice the personal style, uniqueness, and even the status of performance. The fine luxury paid attention to the texture of refined luxury, uniqueness and sense of design, but also represents a distinctive taste, fashion style and status symbol. In order to create texture and value than similar products, presenting the appearance of differentiation, the concept of quality applied to the design of the flash drive. Make the flash drive become a fashion luxury. In addition to meeting the needs of the customers, but also get the recognition from the top of the pyramid consumers and the symbol of identity status. Make the product positioning in the market of high areas, and provide manufacturers a wide range of creative direction and value of product possibility to achieve win-win situation between customers and manufactures. According to the description of the fine boutique, we will use these principles to gather relevant product analysis from the case studies as samples of reference to explore the boutique industry accessories products. Also we will attempt to analyze the quality of some top well-known brands on the market to understand their branding concept, product image, and the elements of form, texture and color design techniques. After creative research by using above elements as basis, we organize and summarize the following important points: 1. Fine texture is the main factor to enhance the product quality: luxury is very specific about the quality of the material or texture, mostly using expensive materials or metals on surface processing to enhance the texture of the products. It also mixed of using different materials such as wood and leather, to increase the texture and feel. The application of jewelry is to show an exquisite texture of luxury. 2. The importance of brand recognition for fine luxury: consumers recognize with the spirit and craftsmanship of its brand, the use of a well-known brand showed and upgraded an individual’s social status. 3. The impact of increasing popularity to fine boutique: as technology advances, more substitutes for the precious materials and metals have been developed so the consumers are able to enjoy the luxurious experience from fine luxury at more affordable cost.


luxury flash drive texture


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