  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of a Smart Phone Ordering System

指導教授 : 何宏發


近年由於無線網路的崛起與廣泛使用,在Google公司支持下,推廣許多搭配Android作業系統的智慧型手機。智慧型手機上應用服務程式不再只由電信業者提供,使用者可以自行研發應用程式並透過手機平台分享,而手機移動服務隨著無線傳輸能力與行動通訊設備的功能逐步提升。 本研究透過Android作業系統設計與實作一預訂餐點系統,提供顧客與餐廳業者使用,藉由此系統可提供消費者搜尋餐廳與附近停車場地理位置和業者資訊,並簡化傳統點菜方式和縮短等餐排隊時間。本研究開發出一套介面操作簡單、易於使用的預訂餐點系統,將可減少浪費在等餐排隊與尋找停車位的時間,以達到省時的便利性。


Because the wireless network has been widely used in recent years, Google are promoting Smart Phones with Android operating systems. The application programs of Smart Phones were not dominated by telecommunication companies anymore. Users can develop their own application programs and share them on the platform, improving the quality of wireless communication and mobile phones. This research aims to develop an ordering system for Android operating system and provide this system to customers and operators of restaurants. It is hoped to improve the traditional way of ordering food and shorten the queueing time by providing customers with the following features: search for restaurants and parking space, information of these restaurants. By providing an easy-to use and user-friendly ordering system, this study enables customers to save their time in lining up for food and searching for parking space.


Smart Phone Google Map Ordering System


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