  • 學位論文


Process Research of Attachment-Focused Psychotherapy: Children with Attachment Trauma as Example

指導教授 : 陳秉華


本研究以三組依附創傷兒童及其主要照顧者為對象,探討治療師如何應用修正後的依附取向親子治療模式,促成兒童與照顧者依附關係之改變,以及照顧者內在的依附教養改變歷程。 在研究方法上,本研究分為二個子研究,研究一為任務分析研究,其階段一為模式建構階段,研究者藉由文獻與經驗整理,根據D. Hughes所發展之依附取向親子治療模式的理念整理出初步的治療要件,接著蒐集實際治療的錄影帶、治療歷程逐字稿、治療師記錄,透過假設與實際行為的不斷比對,以建構更細部的「依附取向親子治療模式之理念模式」。階段一的研究參與者為一名曾經歷親人死亡分離之10歲女童及其照顧者,研究者以發現取向之精神進行資料蒐集與分析,在協同分析者與資深督導之合作下,逐步澄清模式中的相關要件,建構出初始理念模式。 階段二為檢証模式階段,研究者向社區召募3組男童及其照顧者,分別進行7至10次的親子治療,蒐集治療錄影與逐字稿,逐步修正依附取向親子治療的任務與要件,最後得出親方會談部份有4大任務、8項治療要件與17個細部要件,聯合會談部份則有3大任務、8項要件與18個細部要件。本研究並綜合對歷程之觀察提出治療流程圖,以呈現治療之動態發展。 研究二為敘說分析,邀請3組5位參與之照顧者在治療後進行敘說訪談,以了解照顧者對教養困境的認知與因應、參與治療前後其依附教養之意義改變歷程,以探索依附取向親子治療可如何調整以更貼近華人家長的需求。研究最後亦整合任務分析與敘說訪談之分析結果,從華人親子文化的角度探討成功組與未成功組的治療歷程,並建議修正原模式為有文化觀點的親子治療模式。


The purpose of this study is to modify the Attachment- Focused Psychotherapy model developed by Daniel Hughes (1999), based on the experiences of three children with attachment trauma and their parents, and to explore the change process of their attachment relationship and caregivers’ constructs on attachment parenting. This study includes two research, task analysis research and narrative research. The former consists of two steps; the first step is to establish the indigenous rational model of Attachment-Focused Psychotherapy; the next is to collect the practice records of video, verbatim, and relative documents in order to compare and refine this model. The participants of the first research are a caretaker and a 10-year-old girl. The girl had suffered from her parents’ death and separated from her families. The researcher has teamed up with co-researchers and the supervisor to develop the tasks and components of the rational model based on one psychotherapy session with the caretaker and the girl. The second step is to testify the model. The researcher recruited 3 boys and their caretakers, and a therapist conducted 7-10 sessions of therapy individually. Based on the analysis of the video and verbatim, it was found the refined model includes 2 sections, the parent section and the filial section. The parent section consists of 4 tasks, 8 components and 17 items; the filial section consists of 3 tasks, 8 components and 18 items. The flow chart was draw and showed the dynamics of the therapy. The second research, narrative research, interviewed 5 caretakers from 3 families to elaborate their experiences of parenting difficulties, the changes of their attachment parenting attitudes, and their perceived therapeutic factors. At last, the researcher integrates the results of task analysis and narrative analysis to delineate the successful and unsuccessful therapy process, and to refine the Attachment-Focused Psychotherapy model in Taiwan.


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