  • 學位論文


CDES expansion research by using E-Book

指導教授 : 葉耀明


近年來電子書快速的發展,群眾看書吸收資訊的方式也有所改變。電子書擁有便於攜帶、具有多媒體格式、互動等等優點。各家廠商紛紛推出不同的電子書閱讀器以及電子書格式,新穎的電子書格式具有多樣化的多媒體呈現與使用者互動能力,可以為使用者帶來良好的電子書閱讀體驗。在蘋果公司所推出的iBooks電子書當中可以放入HTML5所架構出來的小工具,用意是可以讓電子書的提供者在電子書當中可以放入這些與書相關的小工具讓讀者使用。 職涯發展探索系統提供了一個線上平台,讓身心障礙者根據自已的現況做問卷,並且輔導社工可以對身心障礙者做出適當的輔導策略。 本研究利用職涯發展探索系統,將此系統架構在iBooks之上,利用widget所可以達到的功能,擴展此系統的能力。將職涯發展探索系統不只侷限在網路之上,也可以利用電子書便於攜帶的特性,讓此系統也可以隨處帶著走並且使用,並且我們要更多探討,HTML5以及Javascript所結合而成的widget,再加上iPad此硬體本身具有的能力,能為這個系統帶來什麼更多的改變與擴展。


HTML5 SVG iBooks widget ebook


E-Book spreads wide in recent years, the way of absorbing information of people has been changed. The advantages of E-Book are easy-carried, including multimedia format and including interactive functions. However, the manufacturers release several E-Book Readers and E-Book formats one after another. The novel E-Book formats have the abilities to implement multimedia displaying and user interactive abilities that bring well experiences of reading E-Book for users. The widgets made by HTML5 which be put in iBooks E-Book and be published by Apple Inc. are managed to provide some tools for readers to use. CDES, Career Developing and Exploring System, is a platform for disabilities do questionnaires according to themselves’ situations. Then the counseling social workers provide appropriate strategies to the disabilities. This thesis implements the CDES on the iBooks platform. By using the abilities of widget, expands the abilities of CDES. Making CDES work on not only Internet but no network environment. Due to the characteristic of easy-carried of E-Book, CDES can be carried everywhere and be used. And we explore more changings and expansions by combining HTML, Javascript, E-Book and iPad.


HTML5 SVG iBooks widget ebook


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