  • 學位論文


Beyond the Vicious Cycle: A Psychoanalytic Reading of the Grotesque in Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood

指導教授 : 黃涵榆


本篇論文以佛蘭莉.歐康納《智血》為例,輔以紀傑克精神分析,閱讀歐康納宗教觀裡的怪誕現象。論文分成三章:第一章介紹怪誕現象在文學和藝術的呈現方式,並指出怪誕作品裡都有讓人無法理解的成分(incomprehensible element)。歐康納小說裡角色的怪誕崇拜來自對此成分的著迷;此無法言喻的成分也模糊了歐康納宗教觀中善與惡的界定。第二章用紀傑克精神分析,說明《智血》中天主教教徒藉由「罪惡」此主導能指(master signifier)的運作,建構教義並依附於天主教之下。第二章也指出無法理解的成分操控「罪惡」在教義裡的運作;因此,教徒們奉行教義之餘,依然享樂和從事金錢交易。第三章用紀傑克精神分析中的真實界(the real)剖析此無法理解的成分,和歐康納的怪誕宗教觀。真實界滲透象徵界(the symbolic order);怪誕現象在幻見(fantasy)的運作下,抵抗真實層的介入。《智血》中黑茲(Haze)和以諾(Enoch)的瘋狂著迷和強制行為都是為了否定並逃避來自真實層的耶穌。他們越否定真實界,越被幻見所操控,然後越困在由享樂、懲罰和罪惡感交織的無止盡深淵。本論文最後提出超越無止盡深淵的可能性。歐康納的天主教救贖和紀傑克的超越幻見皆指出象徵界的死亡(symbolic death)為超越深淵的方式。


This thesis looks at the grotesque in Flannery O’Connor’s Christian vision in Wise Blood. The first chapter proposes to focus on the incomprehensible in the grotesque and demonstrates that the inexplicable lead to the inevitability of evil in O’Connor’s grotesque vision. In the lens of Žižekian psychoanalysis, the second chapter deploys the interpellation of Christianity through sin qua the master-signifier in Wise Blood and explicates the surplus-X as the most fundamental in the characters’ identification with Christianity. Following the inexplicable surplus, the grotesque is explored in the light of the real in Chapter Three. The intrusion of the real in Christianity leads to the fact that Jesus assumes the role of the superego imperative and Haze’s and Enoch’s obsessions function in staving off anxiety aroused by their over-proximity to the real. The characters’ vicious cycle of enjoyment, punishment and guilt results from compliance with the demands of the enjoying Jesus and from the renunciation of the jouissance. The last part of the thesis discusses a possible way out of the vicious cycle by drawing attention to O’Connor’s idea of self-abnegation in salvation and Žižekian traversing of the fantasy. This thesis aims to examine O’Connor’s grotesque vision in Wise Blood in the light of the subject’s over-proximity to the real and his desire and anxiety, structured by fantasy, as a defense against the overwhelming real.


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Elroy, Bernard Mc. Fiction of the Modern Grotesque. London: The Macmillan Press LTD, 1989.
Freud, Sigmund. “The Uncanny.” The Standard Edition of the Complete psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol.17. Ed. James Strachey. London: Hogarth Press, 1955.
