  • 學位論文


The Study on the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of Using medication among the junior high school students: a junior high school in New Taipei City as example

指導教授 : 李景美 張鳳琴


本研究主要目的在調查新北市某國民中學學生對於正確用藥知識、態度及行為的現況,並探討三者間的關係,進而分析不同背景、正確用藥知識、態度對正確用藥行為的預測情形。 本研究採用研究者自編的「國中生正確用藥知識、態度與行為問卷」作為研究工具,採學生自填式作答。研究對象為100學年度第一學期就讀於新北市某國民中學七、八、九年級學生共2160人,採隨機分層集束抽樣,總計抽出12班,發出403份問卷,回收401份問卷,有效回收率99.5%,其中有效問卷為394份,有效作答率為98.3%。本研究以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及複迴歸分析為統計方法。 研究結果如下: 一、 受測學生在正確用藥五大核心能力的知識瞭解程度尚佳,整體答對率八成四,五項知識核心能力中,「核心能力三:清楚用藥方法、時間」答對率僅有五成,顯示受測學生對於藥品的保存方式、服藥方法及時間等知識仍有待加強。 二、 受測學生在正確用藥五大核心能力的態度正向,表示受測學生對於正確用藥五大核心有積極正向的態度。 三、 受測學生在正確用藥五大核心能力的行為表現尚佳,五項行為核心能力中,以「核心能力五:與醫師、藥師作朋友」之行為表現較差,仍有待強化教育以落實正確用藥行為。 四、 受測學生的正確用藥知識會因「年級」、「性別」、「父親職業」不同而有顯著差異。「九年級」、「女生」、「父親職業為專業人員以上」的學生,在正確用藥知識瞭解程度上顯著優於「七年級」、「男生」、「父親職業為技術人員以下」的學生。 五、 受測學生的正確用藥態度會因「同住家人疾病狀況」、「親友用藥行為」的不同而有顯著差異。「同住家人有1種疾病狀況」、「親友用藥行為良好」的受測學生在正確用藥態度上較「同住家人沒有疾病狀況」、「親友用藥行為不好」的學生愈正向。 六、 受測學生的正確用藥行為會因「自覺健康狀況」、「親友用藥行為」不同而有顯著差異。「自覺健康狀況良好」、「親友用藥行為良好」的受測學生在正確用藥行為表現上顯著優於「自覺健康狀況不好」、「親友用藥行為不好」的學生。 七、 受測學生的正確用藥知識、態度及行為三者之間均呈顯著中度正相關,顯示當受測學生愈瞭解正確用藥知識,正確用藥態度愈正向,則其正確用藥行為表現愈佳。 八、 受測學生的個人背景因素、正確用藥知識、正確用藥態度三類變項能顯著預測正確用藥行為,並對正確用藥具有中度解釋力,可解釋正確用藥行為總變異量的33.8%,其中以「自覺健康狀況」、「親友用藥行為」、「正確用藥知識核心能力四:做身體的主人」、「正確用藥態度核心能力二:看清楚藥品標示」、「正確用藥態度核心能力五:與藥師、醫師作朋友」等五個變項能顯著預測正確用藥行為。 對於未來規劃國中學生正確用藥教育工作方面,建議宜加強教師對正確用藥五大核心能力的知識、培養學生正確用藥的正向態度與行為,以及強化學校親職教育活動。對未來研究方面,建議擴大研究對象的選取,增加研究變項及運用不同的研究方法,以深入探討學生正確用藥行為,瞭解不同階段學生的差異性,並作為未來推動校園正確用藥教育之參考。


用藥 知識 態度 行為 國中學生


This study aimed to investigating students in junior high school in New Taipei city for the current status of the knowledge, attitude and behavior of the correct medication ,and to explore the relationship between knowledge, attitude and behavior .And this study also understand the students in different background factors, whose knowledge and attitudes of the correct medication predicted the behavior of the correct medication . The object of study were enrolled in seven, eight, nine grades students in junior high school for the first semester of the 100 year in New Taipei city, which were a total of 2160 people.Sampling method using random stratified cluster sampling for a total of 12 classes,and 403 questionnaires were issued.401 questionnaires were recycled (Response rate of 99.5%),of which 394 questionnaires were valid (Effective answer rate of 98.3%). The main findings are as follows: 1. Under test students knowledge of correct response rate was 75% in the five core competencies of the correct medication..The only "core competencies III: clear treatment method" average correct response rate was 51%, still to be strengthened. 2. Under test students in the attitude of the five core competencies of the correct medication an average score of 3.31, are in the "consent" ~ "strongly agree". 3. The behavior of students under test in the five core competencies of the correct medication, "core competencies: clearly the practice of medicine, time and core competencies: to be the master of the body, refused to exaggerate not real products," the average score is greater than 3, between"often" ~ "always". "Core competencies: clearly express their own physical condition," core competencies: see drugs labeled "" core competence: to make friends with physicians, pharmacists' average score is less than 3, between "sometimes" ~ "often ". 4. By measuring students' personal background factors, the "grade" and "gender", "father's occupation" with the correct medication knowledge was a significant difference.Students in ninth grade, "girls", "father's occupation Professional and higher" in the knowledge level of understanding on the correct medication was significantly better than the seventh grade, "boys," the father as the following technical staff "students. 5. Background factors, family members living with the disease status (category) "," friends and family medication behaviors and attitude of the correct medication was a significant difference.Students of the under test, the category of family members living with the disease status of "1", friends and relatives medication behaviors scores high group compared with family members living with disease status in the correct medication attitude category "0", friends and relatives medication behaviors score "low" students are more positive. 6. Background factors, perceived health status, medication behaviors of the relatives and friends with the correct medication behaviors was a significant difference.Students of under test, perceived health status and friends of drug behavior scores high group, better than the low score group, "the students on the correct medication behavior. 7. Among students by measuring the correct medication knowledge, attitude and behavior showed a significant positive correlation among the three influence each other. When the medication behavior by measuring students more understanding of of the correct medication knowledge, correct medication more positive attitudes, the right performance will be better. 8. Measured the students' personal background factors (perceived health status, relatives and friends’s medication behaviors), the correct medication knowledge (core competencies IV: to do the master of the body, refused to exaggerate not real product), the correct medication attitude (core competencies II: see on labeling and core competencies V: pharmacists, physicians,be friends) explained 33.8% of the correct medication behavior of the total variance (R2 = 0.338).Which the correct medication attitudes (core competencies II: see drugs labeled) can effectively predict the correct medication behavior. For the future planning of junior high school students the correct medication education, it is recommended to strengthen the concept of the correct medication knowledge, attention to the cultivation of the correct medication attitude of and promotion health promotion activities. For future research, it is recommended to expand the selection of the study sample, to improve the survey tool, methodology and study variables, and depth to ake research results more effectively understanding of the correct medication behavior of junior high school students , as a reference for the promotion of the correct medication education.


