  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃城


本論文以中國國民黨的青年政治組織為探討方向,並以2006年馬英九擔任國民黨主席時成立之青年團為分析重點,章節安排如下: 第一章緒論。本章提出研究動機、目的、方法、架構、流程等寫作基礎,並首對青年團、人才甄補等概念作一界定,並整理歷年來之相關研究成果,略述國民黨與青年族群之關係,及青年政治組織的功能及角色。 第二章中國國民黨青年政治組織的發展與現況。本章先討論國民黨內青年政治組織的成立、演變或沿革;其次,討論各時期青年組織的背景與角色;最後,探討青年團成立的時空背景以及成立之後的組織定位。 第三章國民黨青年團工作內容與成效。本章將青年團的工作成效分為三大部分,其一是總團長的黨內身分與工作成效;再者針對青年團選舉時期所發揮的動員、宣傳力量進行整理;最後分析在選舉時期之外的其他時間,青年團能提供那些社會、公益等活動,來凝聚國民黨的青年力量。 第四章青年團政治甄補之探究。本章首先闡述政治甄補的重要性,並藉由時序性的整理,梳理了從孫中山總理開始到現今的馬英九主席,各時期的政治背景以及人才甄補的思想與管道,並發現各領導人皆有其政治甄補的想法與方式,而青年團則肩負了國民黨現階段世代交替之重要任務。 第五章結論。本章綜合各章所論,希冀藉由上述的討論,系統性呈現2006年到2012年間中國國民黨青年團的工作成效,除略述青年團當前趨勢與發展,並針對國民黨及青年團兩者給予研究建議,以及提供未來研究之展望。


The main discussion of thesis is talking about KMT political young organization, taking the timing when Ma Ying-jeou roled as the chairman of young KMT in 2006. Chapters are set up as below: The first chapter: introduction. This chapter point out the basic writing, such as motivations, purposes, methods, structures and the process. Besides, this article firstly defines some concept such as political young organization and political recruitment. Moreover, it outline the relationship between KMT and the young people and it also talks about political young organization’s character and function through referencing some related research recently. The second chapter: the development and the status of KMT political young organization. First of all, this chapter discusses the beginning and the developing process of the political young organization in KMT. Second, it talks about the background and the characters of political young organization in different period. Finally, we probe the background and the situation of young KMT. Also, the thesis discuss the mission after the establishment of young KMT. The third chapter: Young KMT’s job and achievement. This chapter divides young KMT job into three parts. In the beginning, it talks about chairman’s position in KMT and its working effects. Second, we discuss young KMT’s mobilization and propaganda during the campaign. In the end, this chapter point out what can young KMT do for our society and charity except for the elections. The fourth chapter: the exploration of political recruitment in political young organization. In the beginning, we elaborate the importance of political recruitment. This chapter also outlines the background, thoughts and access of political recruitment from the age of Sun Yat-sen to Ma Ying-jeou through sequential research, and we therefore find out that the thoughts and methods are different from every leader while there is one thing remain unchanged, young KMT shoulder a important mission, the alternation of generations in KMT. The fifth chapter: Conclusion. This chapter combines every point in different chapter, hoping to show the working achievement of young KMT from2006-2012 through the discussion in this thesis. Except of stating young KMT’s developing trend, this chapter also want to give KMT and young KMT some research proposals and furthermore give some outlook for future research.




章廉(2015)。臺灣政治性營隊對青年政治認同與參與的影響 ——以2008年後四個臺灣政治性營隊為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.11244
