  • 學位論文


The Study of Jing-ming Zhong-xiao Quan-shu Syncretizing Confucian and Taoism Thoughts──Focus on Liu Yu and Huang Yuan-Ji

指導教授 : 謝聰輝 黃瑩暖


《淨明忠孝全書》是元代淨明道最重要的經典。本論文透過對書中劉玉及黃元吉語錄的思想義理進行深入剖析、詮解與探討,以了解這本道門經典的哲學體系、義理架構以及其所牽涉的種種思想內涵;並由之展現元初淨明道的教理教義,乃是以「攝儒歸道」為核心所建構的。本論文主要從四個主題面向進行討論:一、道與宇宙構成;二、氣與天人感應;三、心與工夫境界;四、仙與教法革新。內容涵蓋元代淨明道的本體論、宇宙論、氣化論、心性論、工夫論、境界論、感召理論、宗教神學、科儀思想和神仙觀念等等,期望能較全面地掌握《淨明忠孝全書》所蘊含的義理內容。 元代淨明道的道體義根源於道門傳統的無為之道,特別重視體道、合道的重要性。劉玉透過複合不同系統的宇宙生成論,凸顯出屬於淨明道的獨特義理。其以無上清虛、中黃八極、人心丹扃,共構成一種通貫天人、彼此相應的宇宙關係。更進一步則開展出新的宗教神學系統、創構出新的許遜傳說,並對舊的傳說體系進行轉化,綰合其宇宙論與道門神學,形成一種宗教意味濃厚的宇宙觀。 在氣化論部分,「大鈞元氣」為氣化過程中最原始者,並且是具體呈顯生化之本;結合獨特的陰陽理論,遂發而為「尊陽卑陰」的義理模式,並進而以感召理論結合勸善的功能實踐。在陰陽氣化的運作模式中,天人之間呈現一種互感相應的關係,使得整個宇宙世界成為一有機互攝的整體。元代淨明道並藉此開展其神學體系,以天心印可的概念,說明人當以至誠之心感召天心。 在修道理論方面,元代淨明道尤其重視「誠」的概念,強調透過存養心性、踐履道德,以達成復歸本心靈明澄澈、與道合真與歸復道體的目標。其教法收攝了儒家的道德理論,進而發為對「真踐實履」的重視,以實際的道德實踐與否作為判別是否能切實修道的依據。劉玉提出的工夫進路主要圍繞著「懲忿窒慾,明理不昧心天」來體證,即透過將儒家道德踐履理論收攝進教理體系,而把成人之道連結成仙之道,形成修人道即是修仙道的理論體系。 在更新教法上, 元代淨明道透過對修仙法門與神仙定義的改造,擴及道法科儀的簡化以及宗教神學的重新建構,在融攝儒說的同時,展現其教理教義的主體性。這些教法上的革新,使其在道門中呈現鮮明的改革色彩,並以此推進道門在義理上的發展,成為獨樹一幟的重要道派。 《淨明忠孝全書》所展現的義理內涵,代表著元代淨明道創教初期整體教理教義的面貌。其思想教說在道教的整體發展脈絡中,尤其是道教思想史上實具有重要的開創性。


Jing-ming Zhong-xiao Quan-shu is the most significant classic of Yuan Dynasty Jing-ming sect. By doing a deep research on the thoughts of Liu Yu’s and Huang Yuan-Ji’s yulus, the writer is able to understand the philosophy and thoughts of the Taoist classic and to manifest the early doctrine of Yuan Dynasty Jing-ming sect, which is established with “Syncretizing Confucian and Taoism” as its core. The writer discusses four themes, including firstly, Tao and yu zhou sheng cheng, secondly, qi and tian ren gan ying, thirdly, xin and gong fu jing jie, and lastly, xian and jiao fa ge xin. The content contains various theories of Yuan Dynasty Jing-ming sect, and the writer hopes to have all-round comprehension of the thoughts that show in Jing-ming Zhong-xiao Quan-shu. The meaning of “Tao” in Yuan Dynasty Jing-ming sect comes from the Taoist traditional “Wu”, especially valuing the experience of “Tao” and the importance of combining with “Tao”. Liu Yu combines many different cosmologies and points out the specific doctrine belonging to Jing-ming sect. He uses “wu shang qing xu, zhong huang ba ji, and ren xin dan jiong” to establish a relation for tian and ren to contact and respond to each other. He further creates a new theology, converts the old tradition, and combines cosmology and Taoist theology to form a cosmology with vivid religious meanings. As for the meaning of “qi”, “da jun yuan qi” is the most primitive origin to form all living things. It combines special yin yang theories to become the zun yang bei yin model and uses gan zhao theories to combine the purpose of quan shan. In the model, the whole universe is a complete body where tian and ren respond to each other. Yuan Dynasty Jing-ming sect develops its theology through the model. With the concept of “tian xin yin ke”, it advises that people connect tian xin with their sincerest hearts. In the aspect of cultivation theory, Yuan Dynasty Jing-ming sect especially values the concept of “cheng”, emphasizing the combination with “Tao” by cultivating one’s mind and practicing morality to revert to the originally clear and bright “xin”. Integrating Confucian moralism, it connects morality cultivation with shen xian theory in which people can become shen xian if their morality cultivated. In the aspect of theory innovation, Yuan Dynasty Jing-ming sect changes the method of xiu lian and the definition of shen xian, simplifies the ceremony, and creates a new theology. When Integrating Confucian, it shows its priority. The innovation of these theories helps Jing-ming sect to present its vivid innovation among the sects. It also promotes the sect’s development in theories and makes the sect unique and significant. The thoughts that show in Jing-ming Zhong-xiao Quan-shu represent the early entire thoughts in Yuan Dynasty Jing-ming sect. Such thoughts especially play an important innovative role in Taoism over the whole development of the religion.


