  • 學位論文


The Analysis and Reengineering of British Personalised Learning: The Research on Influence and Historical Relation between Public Service and Educational System

指導教授 : 溫明麗


2003年9月,一場堪稱媲美前保守黨政府之政府再造運動規模,足以代表新工黨政府世紀之作的公共服務個適化行動,在當時首相布萊爾於黨年會上的揭幕中積極的展開。「個適化的學習」為「個適化」理念於英國公共服務範屬之教育系統中的實踐結果,其政策目標強調在不放棄國定課程的前提下,協助每位公立中小學的學童適性發展。然而,根據研究者依哲學詮釋學和批判性思考進行探究的結果,這場教改運動的主張與實施,看在許多英國教育學者與教師的眼中,無非只是一場美麗的政治謊言,不僅政策內容分歧,並與先前諸多教育政策重疊,甚至「個適化」理念亦是遭眾人批評空泛不實,致「個適化的學習」政策無論在是形上的立論,或形下的實踐面向,皆難以輕易切入理解。 為能解決上述問題,洞悉英國「個適化」理念與「個適化的學習」政策之應然角色、功能與內涵,同時釐析當前「個適化的學習」政策規劃之疑義,本論文係以歷史研究法(輔以哲學詮釋學和批判性思考的支持)及先驗現象學,先是將英國「個適化的學習」政策與「個適化」理念存而不論,並就「個適化」理念欲指引革新之對象——英國公共服務容貌之歷史沿革,及其與「個適化的學習」實踐之場域——範屬公共服務之教育系統——的歷史關聯與影響加以梳理,待二者自我呈現後始加以重塑與再視。 而根據本論文的研究結果發現,英國「個適化」理念的內涵係「吾—汝」人際關係的社會構築,旨在重建道德的、恢復往昔以民主理念為指導基礎的公共服務運作,而「個適化的學習」則係該理念推動的根本動力。次之,「個適化的學習」政策的應然內涵,根據英國公共服務之歷史發展脈絡論之,則應是以對貧窮落後、弱勢社區人群的生活關懷為規劃之起點;另就當前已規劃和實踐之政策內容論之,倘英國歷來的執政團隊能先行自我管束與規範,其教育目標,甚至是背後所凸顯的國家經濟復甦、強盛之目的,則仍有達成之可能。


On September 2003, an action of personalised public service which could be regarded as the remarkable credit of British New Labour Party in this century, which could be compared with the Reinventing Government Exercise pushed by Conservative Party before, was actively put in action by T. Blair, the prime minister then, during the opening ceremony of the annual party meeting. Personalised learning is the outcome of carrying out the public service of British education system. Its policy target is to help all students in public primay/high schools have adaptive development without giving up National Curriculum as its precondition. However, the research result of some British scholars adopting the methodology of hermeneutic philosophy and critical thinking shows that the personalised public service is just a political lie: its policy content has discrepancy and has overlapped with previous educational policy; moreover, the idea of personalisation is criticised for unspecific contents. Finally, the personalised learning is hard to understand from the metaphysical or physical viewpoint. In order to solve the problems stated above, we should realise the role of personalisation and personalised learning and analyse the doubt of the policy planning of recent personalised learning. This thesis utilises the methodologies of both historical research and transcendental phenomenology to research the history of British public service and the relating education system first, then reiews the personalisation and personalised learning. Through the study of this thesis, we find that the content of personalisation is a social construction of I-Thou human relationship and is to rebuild morale to restore the operation of public service guided by the base of democratic ideas which is moved by personalised learning. Moreover, we also find the policy planning of personalised learning should be based on concerning the life of poor and weak community according to historic trend of Britich public service. In addition, if the British before and after government could do self-control in advance, the education target might be reached so as to make the country stronger and more wealthy.


