  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李瑛


臺灣原住民因少數族群的身份而處在社會邊緣的位置,在以漢人文化和父權思想為主流的臺灣社會中,原住民女性因族群與性別的雙重壓迫而一再的被邊緣化,她們在求學、工作等逐步追求主流社會標準的生活水平時,需要更多的努力與他人的支持。早期關於臺灣原住民族教育的研究當中,許多研究指出原住民整體學業成就的落後,而在漢文化為主的教育當中,學校教育與族群文化嚴重脫節,在在顯現出許多不利於原住民族學生學習之處。近十幾年來,部份學者開始著力於瞭解原住民的傳統知識與科學觀,有異於西方科學體系之建構,原住民於生活環境中應運而生的原住民科學有其特殊的科學觀,打破了以往在教育研究中對於原住民學生較不擅長自然、數理科目及缺乏科學思考的邏輯等觀念。事實上,目前亦有部分原住民女性,不僅在學業成就取得學術菁英的位置,並且於從事專業科學領域當中。本研究目的即是探討原住民女性科學菁英在族群、科學、與性別三方面交織下的生命經驗,了解其族群與性別身分在科學領域中的重要經驗、對原住民科學之想法、及其所屬族群中女性角色的特質與對原住民女性科學菁英所帶來的生命經驗與意義為何等。 本研究以兩位已取得科學領域博士學位之原住民女性作為報導人,以敘事探究方法為主,文件分析為輔,來了解她們的生命經驗。研究發現如下: 一、多重因素交織下的生涯抉擇:本研究報導人生命經驗中的抉擇受到多重因素交織下所產生,如家庭背景及文化資本、族群與家庭中的性別角色、族群認同、個人稟賦等因素。 二、族群認同影響原住民的學習表現與科學工作取向:原住民女性科學菁英的生命故事幾乎圍繞在族群認同的議題之中,族群經驗影響了她們的學習表現、學術方向的抉擇、科學研究工作的取向。其族群認同因環境脈絡與成長經驗的影響,在發展過程中有時序上之差異,但其根本性的認同感、與族群文化連結的情感歸屬、以及對族群的正向態度,對於原住民女性科學菁英在學習與學術工作生涯中均扮演著重要的角色。 三、文化資本與政策結構:研究發現家庭社經地位、文化資本的相對優勢,對於原住民女性科學菁英在升學與職涯選擇上得以更加多元與自主,除了優異的個人稟賦與後天努力之外,豐厚的文化資本也成了她們在學術研究領域得以更上一層樓的重要因素。但從統計資料亦可看出,受到政策結構的影響,原住民女性選讀之科技領域以醫藥衛生學門為大宗,且多集中於護理相關科系、以專科學歷為多數,雖然得以擁有一技之長為日後從事護理工作之專業,卻難以在科學領域或其他學術領域中邁向更高層次的研究發展。 四、原住民科學及傳統知識的貢獻:研究發現原住民女性科學菁英以女性與族群的角度看待科學議題時,其族群身分的經驗為她們在科學研究中滲入人文的觀點、對弱勢的關懷,她們一方面接收了西方科學知識,成為她們專業養成上的一環;另一方面則肯定族群文化中的科學觀點,以及原住民科學與傳統知識為人類社會與環境可帶來的貢獻,並且對於西方科學與族群文化之結合抱持正面的態度。 文末並依據研究發現以及研究限制,提出教育相關措施以及對未來相關研究之建議。


The indigenous people, the minority of the society, are on the fringe of society group in Taiwan. In a society that follows the essential aspects of Chinese culture and patriarchy, indigenous women are facing even more difficult situation under dual pressures. Therefore, indigenous women need more support when they pursue the life that corresponds to their standard of living. Many of the early researches in Taiwanese indigenous education pointed out that indigenous students had worse performance in the academic field. However, being in the field of education, mainly in Chinese culture, the indigenous students learn the knowledge that differ from their own culture which is a serious disadvantage for them. In the last decade, researchers started to understand the indigenous knowledge and science worldview. The amazing fact is that Taiwan indigenous cultures have their own construction of scientific knowledge, breaking the stereotype that indigenous students have lack of scientific thinking. In fact, there are indigenous women who not only get a degree, but also work in the academic field. The purpose of this study is to discover the life experience indigenous women have been through, the meaning of being a scientist as an indigenous woman, and how female characters and different tribe's cultures affect indigenous woman when they work as a scientist. The reporters of this study are two indigenous women who have doctor's degree in the field of science. This study uses narrative inquiry as major method and document analysis as supporting method. The discoveries from the study are as follows: 1. The career choices consist of multiple reasons: The reporters in this study made their decisions under many factors. For example: family background, cultural capital, the gender role in tribes and family, identification of tribal group, and personal talent. 2. The identification of tribal group affects the indigenous students' academic performance and future orientation: The life experience of indigenous female scientists IV based on the issues of identification of tribal group. For example, the research field they chose. In spite of time and environment differences, the identification of tribal group made great influences on both reporters. The positive attitude toward indigenous community and emotional connection toward indigenous culture, are developed from identification. 3. Cultural capital and policy structure: The study discovers that social status and cultural capital play an important role when indigenous scientists studied and made their career choices. Coming from wealthy families provide them various options for work, and it is more liberal to make the choice compared to others. Cultural capital also made them have better chance to pursue the academic status. However, according to the statistics data, indigenous women tend to choose medical field; moreover, nursing as their major. The educational backgrounds of indigenous women are mostly vocational school, which makes it harder for them to acquire higher academic achievement. 4. Indigenous science and traditional knowledge: The study shows that the identity of being an indigene made indigenous women use humanitarian way when facing the scientific issues. On one hand, they receive the modern scientific specialization, on the other hand, they identify themselves with indigenous science, which provided some environmental aspects. Indigenous women scientists also show the positive attitude toward the reciprocal effect between modern and traditional science. There are some recommendations, based on the discovery and restriction of this study, for future related research and educational measures.


