  • 學位論文


“The Faces of Anxiety” – The Study of Portrait Under the Emotion of Anxiety

指導教授 : 黃進龍


本論文旨在探討焦慮的心理狀態和面容表現的關係。筆者一直以來的創作,都偏好描繪面容,使用灰色調並營造陰鬱的氛圍。但從來不曾自我剖析這偏好的原因,一直到前幾年朋友因過度焦慮罹患精神疾病,從她對罹病原因的分享、到經歷她抗病的過程,才認識了焦慮,進一步聯想到自己的偏好與創作當下的焦慮體驗,因此興起對焦慮面容的研究,並藉由這樣的研究重新探索自己過去的創作動機與偏好。本文將從三方面的理論:哲學層面、生理醫學與心理學層面及社會學層面來探索焦慮與創作間的脈絡,並從內容、形式、媒材來探討焦慮的面容的創作意涵。 在理論的探析方面,先從存在主義說明焦慮是一種普遍存在的心理現象,從齊克果的觀點說明焦慮是個體在發展過程必然遇到的心理狀態。接著,再援引生理醫學的角度來界定焦慮,了解焦慮的產生是與大腦皮質的作用與機能有關,並從臨床心理學上說明外在環境與大腦的交互作用脈絡以及其對應產生的焦慮症狀。最後,從社會學的角度切入,探討當代社會的各樣面貌及可能影響個體產生焦慮的因素。 在內容與形式技法上,運用壓克力及油畫為媒材,以寫實的方法描寫面容與情緒,並在面容的描繪上加入個人對焦慮感的主觀投射,再針對呈現形式、媒材技法與創作間的關係加以闡述。輔以作品實作為印證:「流逝」及「凝」的內容探討孤單寂寞的焦慮、「面容」的內容探討對死亡的焦慮、以及「無病呻吟」的內容探討莫名的焦慮狀態,以上分為3種的10件創作做焦慮的理念說明與分析。 論述最後點出研究的結果,歸納出以下三點心得:一、焦慮是人類存在的普遍現象;二、都市的發展會加深焦慮;三、在都市社會中,人與人之間的距離較疏離,人際間也習慣偽裝,但臉部及肢體容易洩漏存在個體的焦慮。表情痛苦、五官扭曲的面容,呈現的是都市人焦慮的集體意象,反映的是都市人心理的疏離。對創作者而言是一種對於都市焦慮及人際疏離的抒發,也希望能同時透過創作引起觀者的共鳴。


焦慮 焦慮症 面容


This thesis is to explore the relation between the state of anxious mind and face. I always prefer to depict face, use ash tone and create the dreary atmosphere in creation. However I have never searched for the reason until a friend of mine suffered from mental illness a few years ago. Her sharing of the causes and the process of against the illness inspired me the knowledge of anxiety. In addition I related this knowing to my personal preference and the experience while creating. And from all above, I started to study about anxiety and face. From this study I wish to re-explore the motive and choices of the creation in the past. In this thesis we will view the connection between anxiety and creation in three aspects: the aspect of philosophy, the aspect of biomedicine and psychology, and the aspect of sociology. Moreover we will explain the significance of creation from the context, form and materials of the works. First of all, I use Existentialism to explain that anxiety is a general mental status. For here I use the point of view from Søren Aabye Kierkegaard to explain that anxiety is the mental state one certainly will encounter in the process of development. Then I grasp the definition of anxiety in biomedicine field. The produce of anxiety is related to the function of the cortex of the brain. Moreover, I adapt the clinical psychology to explain the mutual context of brain and the surroundings and the symptoms it may occur. Finally, I, from the sociology point of view, explore the several aspects of contemporary society and the possible causes for anxiety. Second of all, acrylic and oil are the materials I choose for this time. I depict the face and emotion with practical technique and then I add the artist’s reflection towards anxiety when depicting. In addition I elaborate the relation between form, technique, materials and works. 10 pieces of work have done for this study: “Fading Out” and “Staring” series discuss about the anxiety of loneliness. “Face” series explores the anxiety towards death. “Non-reason Groaning” refers to the inexplicable state of anxiety. From the study it can be concluded in three aspects. First, anxiety is the general phenomenon of the existence of human beings. Second, the city development and growing will deepen the anxiety of its inhabitants. Third, people isolate from eache other and used to hide their true feelings in modern society. However, one’s anxiety can easily be found from their face and body. As the result, the painful and twisted faces present a group image of the anxiety of the modern citizens. It also reflects the isolation of modern citizens. To the artist, it is a way to express the anxiety of city and interpersonal isolation. Nevertheless, it also hopes to arise some feedback and response of the audience.


anxiety anxiety sickness face


Barclay Martin:《焦慮與精神官能症》,廖克玲等譯,台北市:桂冠,1984。
陳仲庚 張雨新編:《人格心理學》,台北市:五南,1989。
